May 04, 2005 16:27
I think Im pregnant. Even though thats not possible.. Ugh I feel so nauceous and bloated and SO tired.
This week is going by so effing slow.
I cant effing wait til schools out. I CANT STAND IT ANYMORE.
Every effing day is a struggle.. I dont wanna sound emo or anything, but seriously. Like Last week I think I think I went to school like 2 days. Monday I left at 10. I wouldnt of gone today but I think I have like 30 absenses in 1st hour. For the semester that is.. but still.
Im going to church and then coming home early.. Like 8, and going to bed. Screw homework. Screw church. Screw... teehee nevermind.
just kidding. had to break the emoness.
ugh im so bloated.
geez it took me like 10 minutes to type that, cause i keep having typos, and my fingers feel like, really heavy for some reason.
its all the drugs. i think im lysdexic.