Apr 06, 2005 15:13
idk what to write......my life is f***ed up w/e i give up *im cring* but what good is it no matter how much blood i shed or how many tears fall from my eyes it won't fix it nothing can fix it, mt life heres a poem:
the worst
by: me
do you ever wanna just scream or hide in a hole and die
do ever wanna say goodbye to the world.... just break dowm & cry
my life may be fallin' apart right now but im trying my best to hold on
it's taking all i have not to give up stop crying & be strong
theres so much going on right now i dont know where to start
i'm trying to move on from my problems but my life is still fallin' apart
the end
my next entery is a poem to i wrote this one a long time ago the next one i wrote today