I started the next section of Odd Couple but it won't be up till Thursday...
I got bogged down in greek proverbs and making up names for the mystery Luthorcorp shakedown character. But it's really cool to read the meanings behind them.
In Neil Gaiman's book, "American Gods", one of the characters mention that Americans don't have names with any meanings behind them. I found that kind of sad. I'm American, but my heritage kicks in with a second name with meaning. There's a woman at my possible new job that doesn't like her name. She wants an American name, and asked me to think one up for her. She's from Korea, and I find her name exotic and beautiful. And her name has so much symbolism behind it. I guess you have to like your name, feel like you fit it. I thought she fit hers, sleek and elegant. But where she comes from there might be another million with her same name. But here in America, her name would be really rare. Especially in the midwest. But whatever makes you happy, I guess. I told her I thought it fit her better than anything I could come up with, and she has more individuality here with that name, but I dunno if she agreed with my thoughts.
I used to hate my name 'cause I got made fun of by other kids, but grew to love it again. Because I've got individuality!
http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Latin_proverbs Learn latin!
Also funny they put in...
* Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus.
o Translation: "Never tickle a sleeping dragon," motto of Hogwarts School in the Harry Potter novels by J. K. Rowling.
Tempting me to write D/H porn will you?