One Good Turn Chapter 6

Sep 21, 2005 20:47

'lil Clex love. Got some color back...did some editing...decided to cut this in half since it was getting too long anyway!


Chapter 6

Daylight streamed through the windows onto Lex’s four poster bed. The boy in space pajamas woke with his arms curled around the others body. Clark studied Lex’s sleeping face on the pillow.

On occasion, he seemed so old to Clark, being so wise and knowing about people and what made them tick tock like a clock. But when he was sleeping there were no lines on him, no weight of knowledge like when he was awake to put them there. Clark told himself he didn’t want to know grown up stuff if it made things hard for himself all the time. Being an adult meant you frowned a lot, so Lex must be really close to being one since he did it so much when he thought Clark didn’t notice. He hid his worries even though Clark could sense when something was bothering him.

It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that Lex told him what was wrong with his mother, but made him pinky swear not to tell. Clark had kept his promise.

Besides which he got more excuses to hug Lex, which the older boy was starting to reciprocate on his own.

Clark gave a caress of that soundly sleeping head curving down to a pale cheek that so needed affection.

Clark knew since he was not a grown up, it wasn’t the same for his friend. There was a difference in the situation and he knew he could not always give Lex what he needed most-support. Only Lex’s mommy and daddy could make him not grow up or grow old so very fast. It seemed they both pulled him in that direction, having him think like an adult and dealing with multiple responsibilities and treating him that way.

Well, Clark would make sure Lex would be a kid too before he grew up.

“Time for cartoons!”

Lex talked into his pillow, maintaining formulas of hydrogen equations, then counted in Latin.

Studying in his sleep, it was worse than Clark thought

“C’mon, or we’re gonna miss the Tick!”

Lex pushed himself up and rubbed his eyes sleepily. He then grabbed the remote by his bedside and clicked on the t.v. to their Saturday morning ritual.

Martha checked in on them. “There you are honey, you worried me when I didn’t find you in your room.”

“Sorry, mommy.”

“It’s okay, just don’t disappear on me.”

“I can’t do that yet.”

“You two look so sweet together. Come down for breakfast after the show.”

A chorus of agreement shooed her out the door when their program came on.

“Wow, that guy’s an entire planet!” Clark shouted.

“Tick has to do maintenance on this guy? He should get a six figure salary. Clearing away the asteroids alone must be heck on the eyes.”

“Eww...Q-tip detail and...foot rubs.”

“That is so unhygienic. I don’t see how the giant’s size could totally paralyze him. Being in space should make you more mobile. However at that length, the time it takes for the heart, no matter how massive, to pump blood through the circulatory system and reach the feet and hands should slow him down, but...”

“No calculator!” Clark took it out of his hand and hid it under the mattress in a blur.

“Why?” Lex wanted to do calculations.

“This is fun time. No work allowed.”

“Who made you boss?”

“Well, you get to be the boss when we do hero work. So I get to be the fun boss when we play. And we’re gonna have fun all day cause I said so!”

Lex was taken aback for a moment. “Seems fair enough.”

It was out of character for Clark to be so demanding, yet Lex should not mind taking a break.

“All right, but tonight I’ll show you a surprise.”

“You won’t be sorry!”

Clark nearly proceeded to hover off the chair at breakfast talking about spending the day with Lex in Metropolis.


The first stop was the Metropolis Children’s Museum. It was more for Clark than anything, but Lex would eventually have dragged him to the planetarium even if the younger boy hated the stars.

Clark had on his red shirt and his newest pair of beige slacks, with a slight tear sewed up from Martha on one knee. Martha wore a stylish green dress that had sat unused in her closet for the last few years that complemented her hair. Pamela was a bit more flamboyant in a flowery skirt and blouse than her usual bland tans and browns she usually wore. Lex chose an Einstein print shirt that said, “Imagination is more important than Knowledge.” and black jeans for the occasion.

Lex got Clark to take a picture where he touched an electrical ball that made his hair stick up and out in every which direction. Lex stood above Clark and put his hands over the ends of the charged hair, both of them making goofy faces. Only Lex’s clothes were a bit ruffled when the picture was taken.

“I always wanted to do that.” Lex admitted to Clark.

They started with the Hall of History, starting with fossils and working their way up the time line.

Two guards in plainclothes hung out in the background, occasionally getting a stare by the gobs of children rushing from one activity or hall to the next. It was totally obvious to Lex, who just shook his head. Parents held their children’s hands and lifted sons or daughters up and on shoulders to assist them in getting a look at dinosaurs, solar systems, or rainforest animals.

“Cave men!”

“Hard to believe your ancestors were so primitive when we have technology today.”

Lex noted a strange look on Martha’s face when he spoke, but was unable to wrest what it was for.

“They don’t have to take baths, I want to be one.”

“But then you couldn’t eat pie, or have swings to play on, or watch t.v.-“ Pamela informed him.

“I wouldn’t trade pie even for no more baths!”

“Man’s been around for a million years, glad he’s at least figured out to do that much.” Lex read the caption for Clark.

“It’s still hard to define ‘clean’ to Jonathan, I must have told him a million times to wipe his feet before he comes in the house and he still never remembers.” Martha confided to Pamela.

The walked to the next diorama which had a scene of men in furs that were throwing spears a giant replica of a wooly haired mammoth.

“I hope that’s not Dumbo’s grandpa.” Clark worried.

“That’s what it was really like, Clark.” Lex said.

“Too bad they couldn’t go dig for food together.” Clark frowned.

“It’s the circle of life, we can’t escape it.”

“Must be scary though. All them hunters against Mr. Mammo. All he’s got is his trunk and stepping on um like I do when I play monster, and they got spears and use their brains and can hide behind bushes and sneak attack.”

“Don’t worry. I read up on the history of the mobile tribes of the pre-historic era. Their beliefs were very important to them, and one of them was taboos, or their rules, and what was forbidden for them to do. It was taboo for them to kill an entire herd to the last calf, because if they did the spirits of the herd would be lost forever. It was a great sin. It was a way of life for bands of humans. Primitive man actually respected animals more I think, because they had to rely on them for survival and would have died without the resources they gave man.”

“They live on through their children.” Martha added.

“That’s right. Like, um, bal-, bal-“

“Balance. Very important.” Lex mimicked Mr. Himura‘s voice as he spoke.

Clark giggled. Mr. Himura’s was supposed to give him another Tai Chi lesson this weekend.

The life size recreations of dinosaurs impressed Clark as he’d go from the triceratops to a brontosaurs that were electrically moving and eating shoots of grass.

“They like veggies. Sure to grow big from eating ‘um.”

“They were herbivores. They only ate grass and fruits.”

“Herbs. I like them. They’re not like daddy’s herd.”

“They do make sounds kind of like you’re cows at home.”

“Yeah, only bigger, and Herbs don’t got spots.”

“Well, you get the general idea.”

“Daddy would not want to muck out their stalls!”

Another scene showed a mother and father Raptor guarding their nest in a densely wooded area from other predators.

“How’d you like an omelet from one of those eggs?” Lex pointed out.

“My tummy wouldn’t fit it in!”

“Lots of protein in eggs.”

“I wouldn’t wanna mess with those rappers.”

“Rap-ters. Sound it out honey.” Martha encouraged.

“Rap-Rap-Rapters. I’d rather be a big sar-ous with the slide neck.”

“You mean Brontosaurus? I’d want to be a Raptor.”

“How ‘bout him?” Clark pointed to the center of the room.

Tyrannosaurus Rex. “Roar! Roar!”

“It means terrible lizard king in Latin.” Lex informed the group.

Lex liked how he could display facts without getting rude looks from Clark. Outside the classroom it wasn’t cool to show off intelligence even at Terell. Especially if you were smarter than everyone else.

“You don’t want to be him?” Lex usually aspired to be the most best in their games, whether playing spies or board games or imaginary animals.

“He’s admirable in his sheer strength, bone crunching jaws, and ferocity, but I’d rather the other one.”

“But you always want to be the strongest.”

“No, I want to be the most powerful.”

“He’s not? But T-Rex was is so large.”

“Firstly, he’s not the largest. Now note the weakness of the arms and claws.”

“They’re tiny. What if his nose itches?”

“He’d have to rub it against the tree.”

“So he’s got weak arms.”

“His dynamics are pretty simple. Charge, bite, tear, and swallow.”


“He has to be careful though, a triceratops could easily slice the thin hide between his upper chest to the point in his stomach to be gutted, a brontosaurus could flick his tail and knock him off his feet.”

“Herbs are tougher than they look.” Clark was proud of his choice.

“I admire the Raptor more because he has to use his wits.”

“His smarts?”

“For all his size Rex has a brain the size of a tennis ball. Raptors have to use what resources they were given since those advantages of being that enormous don’t apply to them. They are built much smaller, but sleeker and defiantly more practical when it comes to getting their prey.”

Martha had limits on what Clark was too young to be allowed to hear, but this was nature. And Lex passionately spoke far beyond his years. He was always fascinating to listen to, a regular fountain of knowledge.

“They are perfectly proportional compared to the T-Rex, with razor sharp claws for hands to grab, tear and slash as well as claws on their feet as well in combination with the cutting incisors that make him a triple threat. Their size may be lesser than the others, but that gives him the crucial advantage of surprise attacks. Not only that, but Raptors can hunt in groups, using their intelligence to work together to bring down bigger animals which they’d be harmless against on their own.”

Lex finished his dignified speech when Clark jumped on his back.


Lex quickly held him up as Clark found himself getting a piggy back ride. Although Lex was not very tall, Master Himura’s training gave him the build to hold the younger boy without much concern.

“Clark, you get off of Lex this instant!” Martha was embarrassed for Lex to be glomped on in public.

“It’s fine. I’m strong enough to catch Clark now.” Lex said with pride.

“Where would you like to go next, boys?” Pamela asked.

Neither of them was very much into the insect area, and they only took a quick trip through it because Clark had never seen it before. Lex knew a great deal about them, and even though they interested him on a scientific level, there was something very cold about them he could not relate to. Clark only liked the butterflies and the crickets because he could hear the songs of the latter at night, a chorus of a kind that had a wonderful symphony for him to hear.

Leaves in tendril wrapped down around trees as the entered the steamy jungle exhibit and a recreation of the rainforest.

Clark and Lex chased each other around a bit ahead of Martha and Pamela past boulders and a bunch of stuffed birds and big cats.

They ended up trying to climb one with scratched knees for results of their labor. But they did managed to climb one of about 8 or 9 feet high, with Clark’s eyesight searching for footholds and Lex figuring out the pattern with Clark’ telling him how to scale the scratchy surface to the top. Anchoring tightly they lifted themselves higher and higher with a few scrabbles until they sat upon their well earned perch. Parents and hyper children walked around the boulder not even knowing the boys were watching them. It was easy to hide under the foliage of the canopy. They started dropping the occasional dead leaf or pebble on the unsuspecting pedestrians getting curious or infuriated people looking for the prankers with delight at their reactions.

“Boys, you get down from there!” Pamela and Martha caught up with them, after getting stuck behind a tour group and chatting about social events for a few minutes.


They climbed down abet sheepishly before the two frustrated women.

“Clark, you know better.”

“Sorry mommy.”

“Sorry. How did you see us up there?” Lex thought they’d have fooled even the security guards. He knew the average clothes he was wearing made it much harder for his own guards to spot him.

“The glare of the watch your mother gave you. How’d you even manage to get up there?” Pamela asked.

“We’re not afraid of falling no more.”

“Can we go see the star show?” Lex was pushing, he knew it.

“All right, but no more nonsense.”

When Pamela said that Lex resolved to act more properly.

“No more secretive plots today, I promise.” Tonight though, Lex couldn’t wait for tonight.

They started moving in the general direction towards the Planetarium.

“I’m surprised Lex still loves the Planetarium no matter how many times he’s seen the show.” Pamela told Martha as the boys walked only a few paces ahead.

“Clark looks at his star and mythology books over and over until the pages are worn.”

“After the Museum, did you have any ideas of what you wanted to do?”

“I thought we might visit the mall.”


“I heard there was a department store sale. It would be great to get some nicer clothes for the family.” Martha had a few coupons clipped from the newspaper at home in her purse.

“The mall?”

“If it’s not too plebeian.”

“Oh, no. I treat Lex sometimes after school and we go and visit the stores for fun. Lionel hates it when I take him there, so it’ll be a double pleasure to shop.”

“Clark can be a tad difficult to get to try on clothes, it might take a while between finding things for him and Jonathan.”

“I hope the boy knows other colors exist besides red and blue.”

“Together they turn into the color Lex seems to wear most of the time.”



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