Apr 01, 2012 09:31
hi everyone.
i come with news about the previous mod who used to organise this superwho big bang. i know her in real life, although up until now, i didn't know why she hadn't been able to take full control of this big bang.
anyway~ i've talked to her and basically, there's been an accident within her family--she may have mentioned this, she may have not--and so she's been so caught up in all that that she hasn't really had time to keep all her focus on here. together with this accident and important upcoming exams (if you know what gcse's are, you'll know that they're really important), it's just been very hard for her to follow all this up.
that's all there is to it, to be honest.
she's said that the current mods are doing a great job, and they are, seriously. i have talked to them, but i'd just like to say in front of everyone that you guys are doing a perfect job of getting this all under control and we couldn't thank you enough, seriously.
i just thought i'd let everyone know, since i know some people were getting worried.
thanks a lot, guys!