Hi guys!
It's time for the previews of the summaries, and aren't you all excited? I definitely am! Click
here to begin reading the 15 wonderful summaries I've received for the first round of the SuperWho Big Bang!
Information Before You Claim:
i. Claims will be open at approximately 6PM GMT, on Saturday the 28th of January. I'll enable the comments for posting at this point.
ii. Artists can only claim one story. If, after 48 hours, there are still unclaimed summaries, there'll be a second round of claims for artists who want to claim more than one story.
iii. Once I've approved the claim, you're allowed to get in contact with your partner at any point. However, I will be sending out official emails to each of you, including the drafts and notes I've been sent by the authors, so that, if it takes a while for your author to get in contact, artists can begin drawing at any point.
iv. If, for whatever reason, there is a problem with your claim or your partnership, you can contact me via message here or at
If you can't make it to the claims on the 28th because you're busy, don't worry! If you can find someone willing to submit a claim for you, I'll be more than happy to accomodate you. They'll act as your proxy! Please give me a quick heads-up comment here, however, if you're acting as a proxy, so that I know who to keep an eye out for tomorrow, to ensure that everyone gets a chance at claiming.
Writers, if you see any problems with the summary or information you sent us in the preview post, or your summary is missing entirely, please tell me and I'll correct it as soon as possible. However, if you've already told me that you have an idea as to who you're working with for an artist, your post won't be on the summaries page.
For those of you running behind with writing, you've got until 4PM, GMT on the 28th of January, to get your summary and draft to me. I'll add it to the summaries page.
I'll see you all at claiming time!