I've been a livejournal slacker lately, I admit it. I read my friends page here and there but my posts have been lacking in anything worthwhile. Sooooo... I'm posting a holiday update with pictures. (also because I just discovered this "scrapbook" function - wow livejournal is so fancy)
Spent Christmas eve at a Seahawks game with Adam, though we lost Adam and I still came out on top cuz we had garlic fries. Yum! And, we got the title anyway.
Afterwards we headed over to Jon and Adam's parents house for some snacks, presents, and Wii fun and were joined by Chris and Jeremy Kelly. Jon, Chris, Jeremy and I had an intense Wii Sports battle that night (I rule at Wii tennis!) followed by a game of Buzzwords. Ahhhhh family board games. I consider them all my "urban family".
I got Jon an electric wine bottle opener for Christmas. He was um, thrilled.
Between Christmas and New Year's, I spent four days with a horrible stomach flu thing. I got sick the same time as Adam, then Jon got sick, then Chris. It was a conspiracy against us. My days were spent vomiting and laying around and trying to suck down Jamba Juice, gatorade, and water. Pictures unavailable.
Melissa came up to Seattle for new year's, we pre-funked at my house (apparently pre-funking consists of a bottle of Stoli for us)...
Then Tom picked us up and we went to a party at Kore's
Shortly after midnight a bunch of us decided to head to Neighbor's (where I met up with JB and Adam and Helen!) where we stayed and danced until we couldn't move anymore and 3:30AM found us outside Beth's Cafe on Aurora huddled outside waiting for a table. Much grease was consumed. Glorious.
This week consists of work (boo!), Chris moving in (yay!) and exchanging late Christmas gifts with my brother. Oh, and a new Grey's episode I think????
Happy New Year's!