Oct 20, 2008 11:30
Prop 8 = overturning the law that gays can get married in California (aka "preserving" the "sanctity" of marriage for only straight people)
Okay seriously, this whole prop 8 thing is pissing me off! Mainly because I'm an ex-mormon and still have slight ties to that religion because of Michael's family (unfortunately). The Mormon church has officially said that all the members should go out and vote Yes on prop 8. (Which they are not supposed to do, and should lose thier non-profit status since they are getting involved with politics). The arguments for prop 8 are horrible. I could tear any prop 8 advocate a new one with their weak arguments. One of them is the snow-ball affect which says that they're gonna teach kids in school that two men can get married! OH HEAVEN FORBID! First of all, who cares, because they can. Second of all the crazy born-agains are afraid that kids are more likely to become gay because of this! lol... are we really that ignorant America? Come on! This is just another form of prejudice and bigotism because now it is wrong to be racist. So... why not strip the gays of their rights?
I hate all those "yes on prop 8" signs a lot of people have out. I mean, seriously, do they think their sign is going to make people change their vote? Why not put a sign in their front yard that says "Yes on HATE! I am a bigot!"