Aug 08, 2003 01:22
"You think that I go home at night
Take off my clothes, turn out the lights
But I burn letters that I write
To you, to make you love me
Yeah, I drive naked through the park
And run the stop sign in the dark
Stand in the street, yell out my heart
To make, to make you love me
I am extraordinary, if you'd ever get to know me
I am extraordinary, I am just your ordinary
Average every day sane psycho
-Liz Phair "Extraordinary"
In the interim between lives, you have complete understanding of all your experiences in every lifetime. This spiritual knowledge helps you choose and plan what you'll experience in your next lifetime. Before you reincarnate into your present life, you decide what goals you want to accomplish and what lessons you still need to learn. You choose how to balance your karma, and you decide what you're willing to experience. You choose the destiny you'll pursue and the path you'll follow in your life. Your choices and decisions are based on experiences, and by what you want to do about them in this life. You create the structure and framework, and form the foundation of your present life, supported by your experiences in previous lives and your spiritual kowledge.
Everything in your present life was created by you before birth. Nothing has been left to chance or forced upong you. The only thing you do not choose is the outcome of what you agree to experience. You make those choices and decisions, with your free will, when you're faced with those experiences in your present life.
You paint the picture of your present life on the canvas of creation and you color in the details. As you make your choices and decisions, the picture begins to take form, each character becoming clear, each event becoming more defined, and each experience becoming tangible and real. You create a masterpiece of mosaics that will fit together perfectl as your present life progresses. In a very real way, you create the world you'll experience in your upcoming incarnation.
excerpt from - Discovering your past lives by Gloria Chadwick
I have been reading one of my books on past lives, karma, and soulmates again. Part of what sparked me to pick up this book late last evening was a conversation I had earlier. I was thinking about change and how our lives are an intertwined series of events moving rapidly stirring up our emotions, changing our perceptions and views, and as well as enlightening us. Stripping away the personal feelings I have toward any one specific event for a moment, I realize that these transitions are still painful.. It hurts so god damn much to realize you are swiftly moving past parts of your life which departed as quickly as they arrived, and for perhaps a very long moment, you are just left stunned not quite knowing which piece to move in the next direction of your life. I realize that I do not deal with change well, especially change manifested from intense and negative events. Whilst even the negative parts of my life contained their positive and happy moments, the next big step almost always occurs from it having gone all wrong. The key is to accept all this, and just when I think I have, something occurs to throw my whole world into upheaval. Or perhaps I just use this as an excuse. There was something I should have done this week.. I felt it stir my blood, rattle my bones, and rage madly in my soul. But I didn't do it. Usually when you are well aware that deep down inside you must do something, and you must do something now, yet you do not, this sort of chain of events will occur only making you more miserable. This week I was supposed to abandon the internet, only so I could have time to clear my mind and do some soul-searching, reflecting, and thinking.. as well as make sure I turned this time into the most productive one I possibly could. Then something happened this morning.. which left me feeling confined, discouraged, and depressed.I let this keep me from accomplishing my goals.. And then I tried to partially occupy myself by logging back unto the internet, and bam! I was slapped in the face with stress and immediate hassles I shouldn't even have to put up with in real life. It may not seem like a big deal, but this is when I thought, "wow, this is why I should have stayed away." Even if I was slightly upset, because quite frankly, this online journal of mine is not doing me much good at all right now. I can not possibly focus on all this noise in my head concerning my personal 'physical' life, when there is presently even more noise online, and it is driving me nuts.
I truly believe that life has plenty of meaning, though it is mostly what you make of it, no matter what your beliefs or where you are from. I am a spiritual person and much of what I do believe in comes from a spirtual place inside. It was not taught to me, nor did I grow up believing everything that was said around me. If this was the case, I would probably be declaring myself a Christian right now,Because that is what I was raised with.But I'm NOT a Christian Anyways,I would like to think that I am here to devote time to learning, spiritual growth, and enlightenment rather than spend my life worshipping any deity. My kind of God is the one who does not expect to be bowed down to, because his only concerns are that you be the best person you can possibly be in this life and beyond. Everyone has their own beliefs and I respect them, but I can not confine myself to one religion. One thing that I have always felt strongly from deep within me is that I am more than just this physical presence. That rather than a body containing a soul, I am this spiritual being upholding and animating this physical form. I have always been greatly fascinated with the concept of a human soul, so I've read many books and done a lot of research on theories of reincarnation, karma, and destiny, all related to the soul. It makes sense to me, and I think of how engery does not die but rather changes form, and I do not see why the present life you are living now has to be your one and only. Then adding a more spiritual meaning to it all, I can see how there may be lessons and experiences we need to learn, endure, and embrace in order for our spiritual selves to become evolved enough to move onto a higher plain. Whether this is some type of heaven or the pure definition of peace, I do not know, except that thinking this way helps me to deal with this thing called life and set some goals for myself.
If the concept of karma exists, I certainly want to create the best karma possible for myself, so that I do not experience the same exact trials and tribulations in my next life. I have always believed in destiny, though we were presented with the situations leading us up to the paths we should take, and it is our choice what to do with these situations. Having done some research later, and seeing this concept written in a different assortment of words, affirmed my beliefs. I also believed that our souls may possibly all be a part of this 'higher power', rather than us being cut off from and lower than the higher power, and one day we will all be reunited as one again. I then read that at some time longer ago than we can imagine, only one complete almost infinite force of energy existed. One day it began splitting apart creating individual souls, and afterward each individual soul divided in half, thus creating your twin soul or other half. How everything sort of revolves and comes back again.. the planets.. even how seasons change in certain places.. Perhaps this is related to why we would need to break apart, experience things, only to come back together again and possibly start over? I tend to think beyond what I read, and let my mind explore possibilities I have not yet read or been told before. I could write endless pages about my ideas, feelings, and beliefs on spirituality, though I am sure it is nothing original at all..
The law of Karma is perfectly just and fair. You're the judge and the jury, and you determine your own sentence, based on your previous actions. If your karma seems unfair, you only have to look within yourself and your past-life memories to find out why. Karma is a constant law that's always in motion. If it seems unfair, you can change it by your thoughts, feelings and actions in the present. As you accept responsibility for your karma, you give yourself the power to balance your karma.
You put the law of Karma into effect with your free will. You create your karma and the way you experience it by your past attitudes and actions, and by your present reactions to the experiences you have. Free will is your choice of thoughts, feelings, and actions, and responses in every experience and situation you encounter. By your free will, you either create karma or balance karma. You always have free will. It's your birthright.
excerpt from - Discovering your past lives by Gloria Chadwick
I am deeply & passionately interested in all this, and have my beliefs mainly because they make so much sense to me. However, I feel it is because I want to believe this as well, which is something I will fully admit. It is what I am not only most comfortable with, but also what feels right to me on this intuitive level. The idea of reincarnation and purpose of soul/spiritual growth gives me hope. There are babies born everyday who pass away before even getting to see their very first hint of light. I would like to think that all those who die too young, did for a reason and actually have another chance at human life.. as well as those who seem to experience nothing but constant pain and abuse, due to the living conditions and environment they were born into.. and those who simply can not seem to get passed their negative behaviors and mistakes. It gives me hope for myself.. that My young and lost soul will have another chance to better My life, and somehow create pleasant experiences for myself, even if I have to endure alot of pain. It would hurt me a great deal to discover that this was My only life, because I see no hope for myself now, knowing the kind of person that I have always been. I am so angered by what I have done to myself and others, but I feel so much pain and sympathy as well. I can only hope that my spirit will have acquired more strength and resilience by my next life.
My belief in soulmates and twin souls is not only in this romantic or even spiritual sense. For instance, even if we are mere soulless bodies of flesh and bone, I still know that there is one person somewhere out there who is most right for each person. Supposedly, we do not even meet our 'twin soul' in every single life anyway, so we may have to settle, which does not neccessarily mean we will be unhappy. There are many people you may have 'spiritual connections' with. Placing my rationalization aside and indulging in my romanticism, I honestly would not want to settle for anything less than a twin soul, ever. But I can not let the concept drive me mad seeing how I am not even sure if they exist, and they may not be living a human life this time around, or they may very well live on the other side of the world. It's all too frustrating to hope for, yet I speak of my 'soulmate' or 'twin soul' in terms of who will be best for me in this life at least. True love is what is most important since nothing in life is certain, though I could not help but to think, I will be deprived having to go through this whole life without that person. & With all this said.. the most popular phrase I seem to utter is still that I believe anything and everything you can possibly dream of or imagine is possible. None of my beliefs are 100% and are open to a million questions, and I welcome the ideas and beliefs of others all the time. For if I didn't listen to what other people have to say, how could my beliefs ever truly be solid and have some sort of foundation? How could they make any sense to me, unless I was open to challanging them?
I want to dive a bit more into my spiritual side at this time in my life. I can understand why people are affiliated with organized religion, and the help it must bring them, but it is not something that is right for me at all. In fact, I was rather surprised when one of my friend's advice was to pray to God. I found it to be rather unhealthy to advise me to ask someone else in a sense, because that is what she was telling me to do. I feel prayer should be something done to reflect and look into yourself, asking your inner voice for guidance, because I believe that deep down we all know what the right thing to do is. We just have to truly look. I have expected and depended on others far too long for their help and salvation. Suddenly becoming religious would not be of any help to me, as I would begin to feel dependent on it. However, I want to look into myself more, figure out what I want, and what my actions must be as well as what paths I need to take, in order to obtain the outcome that I want.. And that is to be happy. generally.. and genuinely. It isn't easy to deal with simultaneously loving and hating the ghost of a someone whom you will never see again. I am desperately trying to see how rather than regretting and cursing that relationship to hell, how I can derive something positive from the whole experience. Perhaps I will be stronger in the end.. in a way I know it has actually made me a better girlfriend for my next love. My relationships always teach me so much that I am inevitably a better, more developed and mature person the next time around. I suppose by the time I am with 'the one' I will absolutely blow them away ? My rational side has been trying to tell myelf all this time, that this life is not some all-consuming romance novel, where I should go fall apart and hang myself in my bedroom wearing a pretty victorian dress to die in the name of love. My romantic side tends to see no other way, however, I realize I haven't exactly had 'the amazing love story' yet, and when I do, it should not ever be something that makes me want to die. Though it is funny how it is all the tragic ones that are the best-sellers. The last thing I would ever want to do is create karma to deal with this type of heartache again, just because I could not survive it in this life. Suicide is out of the question.. but this is the journal of a girl who is in love with something she never actually had, and is still dealing with the biggest challange of her life.
Friends and lovers you've shared previous lives with are soulmates. When you meet a soulmate, you feel an immediate connection and rapport with them, coupled with a sense of familiarity. You feel very comfortable with them, and the relationship you share is on a positive level. While you may experience some friction and a few problems, the negativity is easily resolved and, once understood, serves to help both of you learn an identical lesson. There are three different kinds of soulmates. Each has unique characteristics that make them unmistakable from other people in your life.
Companion soulmates: people who help you accomplish a goal or fulfill a specific purpose. Their help can be a comment made in general conversation that sets you on the right path, or they may physically help you achieve a goal. They offer a mutual gift of learning, sharing, and helping. In a previous life, you've helped them and now they're returning the favor. You meet companion soulmates every day in a variety of situations and circumstances. You recognize them as the friend who offers you perceptive advice about a problem, the acquaintance who offers you a ride when your car breaks down, or the teacher who inspires you to learn. Companion soulmates are people you feel good about. They're people you've spent a brief time with in previous lives in a general way. There's usually no serious bond between you, and your present association with them tends to be short. If the bond becomes stronger due to positive and continued interactions in the present, they may even become twin soulmates in the future.
Twin soulmates: people you've shared a special bond of friendship in many lifetimes. You feel completely natural and open with them. Meeting a twin soulmate is like running into a good friend you haven't seen for years. You recognize a twin soulmate as someone with all the characteristics of a companion soulmate, but with a much stronger bond between you. Twin soulmates are usually close family members or special friends. Look at the really good friends who understand you completely and you'll be looking at twin soulmates.
Twin flame soulmate: is your one and only true soulmate. You've spent many lifetimes together, loving and caring about each other, and you share a deep spiritual bond. When you meet him or her again in this lifetime, you feel an instant attraction and special rapport between you. It feels like there's an electric current of energy flowing between you, and you feel like you've known the person forever. Your soul instantly recognizes and remembers your twin flame soulmate, and you feel this on a very deep level within yourself. It's been said that your twin flame soulmate is the other half of your soul, and together your souls form a complete union. When you find your twin flame soulmate, you've found your soul's mirror image. Your twin soulmate is often of the opposite sex, although in some instances he or she can be a brother or sister (usually a twin). You may even look like your soulmate, with identical features, especially around the eyes. An interesting phenomenon occurs between twin flame soulmates. Your spiritual energies are so in tune and connected with one another that there is an intertwined arc of energy between your auras. It looks like a rainbow joining your souls together.
Many people believe that once you find your twin flame soulmate, you get married and live happily ever after. This is sometimes true, but you can experience problems because of negative karma incurred between you in previous lives. With a twin soulmate, there's always an undercurrent of love flowing between you that transcends any negativity.
You're not with your twin flame soulmate in every lifetime, because you each may have chosen to work on seperate lessons, or to evolve your soul in an individual way. If you don't share a lifetime with them, you're sitll working toward being together in an individual way. You may be together for only a short time in any lifetime, because you may have agreed to help each other do something in a specific way, or you may be with them for your entire lifetime. It depends entirely on the agreements made between you before birth.
excerpt from - Discovering your past lives by Gloria Chadwick
Hmmm.. interesting nothing really 'romantic' was mentioned except for the twin flame soulmate, & twin flame soulmates sound almost 'incestuous'. Although, I am sure we get involved with other soulmates all the time. I still think it is much more complicated than all of the above, considering how I have read opposing theories. For example.. how some people are not in tune with themselves enough, to recognize any of their soulmates at times, especially their twin flame soulmate. But it was all interesting enough..