Super Ultra Entry Number 12

Mar 05, 2009 17:25

We... We managed to beat Alexei, barely.
...But Yuri, we lost him on the other side of that giant blastia. The Commandant was definitely crushed by it, but I'm sure Yuri got out of the way. I'm sure of it...

But, he's gone missing... Flynn's started a search for him. He's got a whole ton of ships looking all over the ocean and stuff. As for me... I don't know... I wouldn't be much help. I'm thinking of going back to Dahngrest. Not that I'm giving up on Yuri so soon, I'll help search for a while, but with the Adaphagos in the air and everything I think I should try and tell everyone what's going on, before things go out of control.

...I'm sure Yuri'll pop up soon. I mean, Raven survived a crumbling building. Don't tell me you're worse than Raven, Yuri...
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