Twilight and other shit

Dec 24, 2008 18:19

Now there's a break from school for a week. :D So awesome. I love this holiday.

Instead of going home this Monday I went to friend's house, 'cause she lives away from where I live and we wanted to watch Twilight together. And yeah -- It sucked.
I mean, as a movie it was really nice, but as 'a movie based on a book' it sucked. First of: EDWARD. He's so NOT Edward that it's sad! Also he's not a good actor. Didn't liked him at all. And the faces, OMG. It was so stupid.
Also the over drama shit. Was totally annoying. And the girls in the theater were like "OMG HE"S GONNA EAT HERR!" and "OMG HE"S SO PRETTY!"   NOT.

There's too much negativity in me now lol, but that's what I have to say for now.

I also saw the movie "Ghost Town" with Ricky Garvis and Greg Keener. It was really good :)

Happy Holidays :D 

friends, movies, errrg!, holidays, jews stuff

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