(no subject)

Nov 19, 2009 20:50

Or does it explode? | they get out the car, they smile. | 373 words | a/n: a dream deferred and all that.


It’s an anti, or something, Onew can’t actually remember, doesn’t actually know.

What he does remember: they get out the car, they smile at the screaming fans, Taemin laughs into his sleeve, Key whispers something to Jonghyun - who laughs - the fans scream louder, Onew feels his heart swelling with pride, and something behind and to the left of him explodes.

The expanding heat spreads and knocks Onew off his feet and onto his face and all the breath is forced out of him as pressure passes over him. There’s a stinging in his eyes as the smell settles in the air and Taemin is curled against his side, still and skin clammy. When it’s over in the half second it takes, Taemin’s not breathing at all and Onew is worried. “Help, Taemin’s too young to die - ” Onew tries to yell, scream, just get the words out and say it, but there is no noise and Onew can’t think of what to do but stare wide-eyed and afraid at Taemin just laying there, dying.

But then there is a rush of sound and Onew hears Key shrieking (“What the hell, is everyone okay, are you okay?”) and Jonghyun has been blown somewhere into the crowd where Onew can’t see or hear him. And Taemin shudders, inhales deeply and puffs little shallow breaths out steadily and surely, a sheer force of will and Onew is, for once in his life, glad Taemin is so stubborn.

(They go to the hospital and are checked over and Taemin is kept overnight in intensive care because he stopped breathing for a while there. Jonghyun has burns all over his arms and management will probably cover the surgery to laser remove them and bleach the skin pearly white again when it heals scarred. Key smacks Onew upside the head, a miraculous feat what with Key’s temporary blindness and all, when Onew expresses his regret for being the least injured and walking away with only a sprained ankle and broken wrist.

“Like, this is totally your fault, oh definitely.” Key mocks, tone biting, “Shut up, at least we’re all okay, at least no one’s dead.” Onew thinks of Taemin, curved back and cold skin, and sighs wearily in agreement.)

koreanstuffs, w. count under 800, shinee

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