(no subject)

Apr 28, 2003 00:00

It's time again for another journal entry... arn't you excited? I was at Koinonia tonight, which is our student-led worship program, when something popped into my head. I look around at everyone worshiping... and I wonder to myself: how many people come to worship so that they will feel good?

You know what I mean... that warm tingly mushy lovey dovey feeling that you get when you are at a worship service. I know I've felt it, and I know that I've gone to worship specifically looking for that feeling. But should we be seeking that feeling in worship? I'd bet that more than a few people do... and I think it's wrong.

Worship is about God, not about us. We shouldn't worship to fulfill some feeling, like some drug that we need to keep taking or else we will go into withdrawal. We worship because God is worthy to be worshiped. The good feeling we get from worship is a natural effect of the act of worshiping. It is merely a by-product. That feeling is not the end in itself, simply a result of the end.

I've definitely been guilty of this myself, and perhaps this is why I've been so annoyed with worship music lately. It seems to be all about emotion. Emotion is dead. Forget about it... what we need to focus on is the reason why we worship: God.
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