
Oct 18, 2006 00:43

In the last 4 weeks I've spoken at 1 QAI chapter meeting and 2 conferences.  The calendar is a little light for the next few months, but we'll see what crops up.

I've been sick since i got back from speaking at the IQAA Quality Enrichment Conference on Saturday.  The good news is that I should be able to start light workouts again once I'm not sick anymore.  I *THINK* I might be able to avoid the shoulder surgery.  Keep your fingers crossed.  If I can avoid the surgery, I can be back in shape by Spring...possibly even start training again then, too.

Business has been...precarious?  The company has eaten most of my savings and investments, but October has some positive cash flow, and November should have more (otherwise I may have to consider a part-time job...but building a business like this takes time and I'm REALLY dedicated to this...I love it).

I've been a little nostalgic lately.  I think it's got to do with a combination of things...living alone again after half a year with a woman in the house (and a second dog), the parade of women that have passed through my life (and making "the list" again), all the soul searching I've done in the last year (including the decision to stop working in an environment that lead to me being someone I didn't like again), facing the fact that I'm getting older and I'm no longer indestructible (and that pushing myself so hard isn't always healthy), and thinking about what I want for my future.

We don't get to choose where we come from, what we did or said in the past, or how we handled ourselves in those critical moments.  What we plan to do tomorrow or the next day, how we choose to contribute to the world, and what we do to establish our legacy are within our control.  Take control of your future, it may be shorter than you're planning.  What you do tomorrow will shape the rest of your life, be it a day or a century.

surgery, speaking, riding, training, life, quality, business

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