Is there a word

Aug 15, 2011 10:02

For a sudden realisation is which is really something you knew all along or at least for a while and it just crystallised?

Anyway, I was thinking this morning, and I realised that I fundamentally don't have the "popular" body type/features for this time period. I'm really glad I realised it in my (happy and comfortable) mid-twenties, as opposed to as a teenager, though I suppose it says something about how despite how insecure I felt, I guess I was pretty obliviously confident despite it all.

And I know I think about how in certain painting-eras, there were obviously body "types" that were considered attractive (and I know which eras I'd have fit in best with:) but I wonder how much of my attraction to certain previous time periods is a knowledge that my body type would have fit better then.

Anyway, I'm not trying to say that I think I'm unattractive by modern standards or anything. Just, fascinating. The girls you see on the tv today - and I largely mean the teenagers - not only do I look nothing like them, but *oh god* I find them not attractive. They are all so boring. Why is boring with shiny hair attractive right now?

In conclusion; media, suck it. I am prettier than that.

media, body image

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