Oh city my city

Feb 18, 2011 10:31

The weird and wonderful and supremely disorientating thing about New York is that sometimes I forgot that different inherently means people aren't the same as you.

I think, in our culture, we come to see different to stand for x or y or goth or queer or artsy or trans or whatever and then because New York is what it is, all the x's and y's  come here and revel in getting to see people like them. And so those days when I am x or y or z I can look around and say ah! look! we are being different together!

And then other days I look around and I realise that no, that's not what different is. That's just another level of sameness. Different is when you stand in an ocean and you can't see anything you recognise or anyone who recognises what you are. Different is when, even in New York, people look at you out of the corner of your eye. But mostly, I think, different is that thing where some days you just feel out of sync with everything.

Also I'm tired and cranky and the weather doesn't seem to want to make up it's mind. So perhaps everyone feels different today.

brain chemistry

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