Feb 10, 2011 11:22
Obsessively refresh NYT, CNN, Al-Jazeera, Twitter and LJ re: Egypt
Write bullet points memo for college
Fax a thing for R
Drink some hot chocolate
Go to lunch with ECM
Obsessively refresh aforementioned sites because what if Mubarak speaks while I'm at lunch?
Write an LJ post I was thinking about this morning re: generalisations
Refresh summore
Type in some edits and update some slides on a presentation
Refresh yet more.
Walk all the way to Argo
Get a wifi code
Refresh summore
Write. I didn't actually write yesterday, so I still need to hit 6,000. But because I am going to do a couple hours tonight, I'm either going to hit 7,000 or 6,500 on this and 500 on something else. I promise.
Snuggle my cat until she cries for mercy
Sleep lots of the sleep