What a to-do to-do today

Feb 08, 2011 11:05

Ok, so! To-do list for the day (here for the purposes of shaming myself into doing it):

Write up January status and statistics and REMEMBER TO ATTACH REPORT THIS TIME
Write 500 words of OYM (at least) (594)
Write a rough draft of the OP memo for the website
Write 500 words on Nocturne, Pitch or Gulfcoast
Figure out ektron  (Really this should say "email a dude about a thing". That part's done. Now I wait.)
Create the Spring ECD sound calendar as much as possible (kind of did a bit)
Start contacting people to fill in extra spots on aforementioned calendar
Check with Larry that he's good for sound tonight
Drink Lemon Hot Chocolate
Go see Alan Rickman talk about Diehard
Go home, pack up R's suit for tomorrow, sleep all the sleeps

This is roughly the order it should be in, so as to get the most done and also to break up boring work things with either fun work things or fun non-work things. Writing heavy though.

On Your Mark, Get Set, GO

work less ordinary, oym, life less ordinary

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