"For Christ's Sake, This is Publishing!"

Jan 13, 2011 15:09

Today we had our "school meeting"; the company wide address. It was a combination of State of the Union and Town Hall (complete with questions) and I totally expected to be bored and trying to figure out a way to sneakily play Uno on my iPhone the entire time. Instead of which I remained interested, engaged, inspired and goddamn proud of working for this company. Our CEO is about as shiny as you can get; nice, likeable and someone you can respect. The title quote is from him, when he was saying - in response to a question about whether he'd tell us something that the way rumours fly in publishing, we'd know before he did. Plus there was a whole speech on the ways in which our company is working really hard to become sustainable and reduce our Carbon footprint/offset our emissions, which was fascinating. Did you know there are companies whose sole job is to take other companies' monies and place them in carbon offsetting ventures? We apparently invest in awesome stoves in Nigeria. Not only that, obviously, but it was one of the fascinating ones for me. We save Nigerian women about six hours a day of firewood gathering, as well as the carbon offsetting, which is pretty frakking fabulous.

It just really felt personal, personable and like a truly nice place to work. Like he trusted us, liked us and respected us. It makes it real easy to feel the same way about him. Then  I talked to my direct boss about how it'd made me feel and he told me a story about the time our CEO really went to bat for him and it was really nice to have that corroboration of my impression. .

So, in response, I'm endeavouring to be extra productive today. I'm working through my to-do list and I'm only allowed to do something on the internet after I accomplish one of my tasks. So this was my reward for accomplishing one. Also listening to a "Trip Hop" version of Wild Mountain Thyme.

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It's not a song I've ever been totally in love with - too boring and sentimental for me - but this is kind of a fun little version. The beat does add something, though I was hoping for a beat within the song and not just layered on top. The actual singing sounds just like every other folk version I've heard.

Now I'm going to nosh on some bread and cheese, wash out my tupperware, make some tea and put my delicate little nose back on my - for today at least - pretty likeable grindstone. Then I have writing group tonight where I am determined to get out at least 2,000 words. I just came up with an awesome working title for a story I'm not allowed to write until I've finished the three projects currently on my plate.

work less ordinary, writing, music

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