Home life

May 20, 2010 12:48

Last night we canceled on life and I told M to come home instead and I'd cook dinner. She ended up staying at work fuckoff late, as has been her wont of late - though she is entirely not to blame for the work situation - and I made salmon teriyaki, dumplings and my new favourite addition to any meal: goat cheese and honey apple tart. Then I set a table, lit a candle (and had hilarious fire-on-our-kitchen-floor moment, because when have I ever endeavoured to do something and not ended up being just a bit like a chicklit book?) and we curled up and watched Sense and Sensibility, the 2008 miniseries I'd gotten from Netflix, while M read Medicus. The annoying roommate didn't come home until late and then wasn't in the living room much and eventually we finished the hilarity that is the new S&S (it was advertised as being "more sensual" and we spent most of the movie trying to figure out which parts they thought were sensual. We came to the conclusion they meant all the ocean-shots. Metaphor?) and made cookies and rice krispie treats with our new 42oz bag of m&ms which look like Christmas. And plenty of jokes about M showing up at work and being like "Have Christmas cookies!...wait, it's not christmas? What do I know? I'm Jewish!" and then she helped my lower back a bit and read me Chaucer (he is heavy on my shoulder blades) and I did her back and read A.E. Stallings' poetry from Archaic Smile and then somehow it was three in the morning and it was entirely worth staying up.

Also, it turns out we had really good news and things to celebrate, so it ended up being celebratory goatcheesenhoneyappletart, which is obviously the best kind. I'm immensely proud of M and what she is doing and how she is not cracking under the current work strain and how she just rocked her final Stage Combat test and should soon be an Actor-Combatant for great sexypants.

Today is ice cream for breakfast and BUTCH WALKER this evening. I've been listening to him since my sophomore year of highschool, so I'm particularly excited to go see him (for the first time ever!), with thunderemerald tonight.

home, snugglebunny, flat

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