On being a good girl!

Sep 08, 2009 16:11

M and I made a pact that we couldn't go get Roger Daltrey tickets until we had both called shrinks and eye doctors. I now have an eye doctor appt for tomorrow at 1pm (about which I am skeered) and a shrink appt for next Tuesday at 9:30 am (about which I am reluctant cause of omg early).

Also my dad is getting me tickets for London from the 19th through the 1st.

So, health, mental health and family (plus London! I'll see all the comedians ever!) are all underway. I feel responsible!

Next steps: Dentist, Obgyn, British Passport and figuring out a) wireless cafes in london and b) a cellphone I can use while over there.

Then figuring out exactly how much junk food I can bring back and whether I can bring frozen potato waffles home with me!

...It's been a long hard journey - especially this year - both family wise and mental health especially, but I think this is a really positive thing. Just, please, let me like this shrink and not have to go through 50 to find one I like. And please not let her try to shove me on anti-depressants. Pls?

england, family, health

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