"The family that alphabetises together...

Jul 14, 2006 18:43

...stays together."

I'm really enjoying being home. I'm actively making conversation with my parents for the enjoyment thereof. I showed my aunt how to use her new phone (she has a camera phone now!) and we played with her computer a little (*lusts after intel mac*) and then we had a very family moment as all three of us stood and watched her alphabetise the guest list for tomorrow.

And then she gave me a gorgeous blue sweater that I can't wait till it's actually in season to wear, and she'd prepared a little bag of treats for me to take back to NY. (Plus there'll be leftovers from tomorrow.)

Even the fundraiser hasn't been making us too frantic tonight. The pool is working as well! So I'm going to pop up either tonight or tomorrow. I've never actually used our pool before so that's cool.

I'm also a little excited to be meeting one of their friends tomorrow. He's a playwright whom I admire and we're going to see his newest show in August, so that's kind of fun.

They've been just right on the whole "also" thing. (Except I think I discovered - although that entire part of the conversation was very round-about - that my uncle thinks I've never...ahem, before.)

Tomorrow may actually be enjoyable and if all else fails Jane and I can drink. Lindsey won't though. *grin*

Oh! Last note; Lindsey got the new Mark Knopfler/Emmy-Lou Harris cd and I just ripped. So if anyone wants any of it, just let me know.

home, parents, family, theatre, scott

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