
Sep 21, 2005 00:47

Am beat, was grumpy, am still mostly grumpy.



Everything today went pretty well. So my conclusion - other than the fact I am exhausted and in pain - is that the anniversary and the upcoming visit from my father are having adverse affects on my mental health.

I miss Her. I rarely talk about it any more. After three full years I'm not supposed to right? But in that regard at least, every day is still a struggle.

And someone threw out my food tonight. My lovely, unopened food that was supposed to be dinner tonight, lunch tomorrow and potentially dinner tomorrow too. And it made me actually tear up. That's the kind of mood I'm in.

Other than that, rehearsal went pretty well, I succeeded in not killing anyone and everyone else was pretty good. Golda rehearsals started today and were cool. Last night I got told that not only am I now technically the AFC but I'm also supposed to start looking at understudying Puck. And a few friends came to see the show which was really touching despite the fact I was in a really blah mood.

Life plods along.

Like a carthorse.

fools, depression, tempest, rehearsal, leta, golda, angst, theatre, father, acting

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