Job hunting is slowly driving me insane. As are the random goings-on of my peers. I have former classmates who are looking for jobs just like I am, but it seems like they're being obscenely leisurely about it, versus my up and down between die-hard ruthlessness and anxiety spirals. I have a friend who spent about a month in Greece, and another who just got back from visiting family in Mexico and is getting ready to move to Las Vegas. Like, what?
More and more, it's making me look at my meager-ass savings and forty-plus hours of vacation time and it's making me want to take a trip someplace for a few days. I'd need to not spend a dime on anything but essential expenses for, oh, a month and a half, but I could do it. It's one part wanderlust envy and one part omg please get me the hell out of here before I lose my mind.
In other news!
TV: Sleepy Hollow is on my Must Watch list. It's weird and supernatural, so that's a bonus. I thought Agents of SHIELD started a little slow, but I'll stick around for it some more. I can't wait for Bob's Burgers, Once Upon a Time, and Scandal to come back, though.
MISCELLANEOUS: My dad is kind of swooning over the new Kindle Fire HD. I'm kind of eyeing it as well. I hope the browser's less prone to crashing than the one on the Fire is.
On Saturday, I was walking Pepper. Someone in our neighborhood was moving out, so there was this huge stack of trash on the curb. As we passed, I saw a huge stack of National Geographics in the recycling bin. Because I am crazy and love NatGeo photography, I came back and dumped them all into my car. Days later, after shuffling through them all, I was pleasantly surprised when I found
this cover mixed in with the rest of them.
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