I had this dream earlier that left me in a funk for half the morning. For some reason I was wandering around part of the school where I spent the first half of eighth grade, and then I started running into childhood friends that I've friended on Facebook. It was mostly the friends who were married, and a few who have kids, and I woke up feeling bummed.
On the non-crappy front: I SURVIVED MY SPEAKING TEST IN FRENCH. I got Bs in pronunciation and grammar and an A in vocabulary and fluency. I just have to get a B on the final and I'll be good. Speaking of the final: it's on my birthday. There's been only like, one time in my college career that I have not had a final on my birthday because finals ended before the tenth. UGH. At least it's my last final. I had my critique in 3D design today (I have pictures of my project to share, which I am SO going to do because it was fun and awesome), and tomorrow I have my critique in digital photo--and I have to leave and get prints made soon, because I and a few other people had issues with ordering ours through the company that our instructor recommended.
I have this deep urge to do one of those headcanon memes, except A.) I'm not established/cool enough for people to request them, so B.) I'm pretty sure that no one really cares, and besides, C.) I get kind of weirdly possessive about things that I like to take as my own headcanon/fan theories. For example, there's a few recurring things that I've been kicking around in my head, re: Avengers movieverse, but I want to include them in this never-ending fic that I'm writing, so I don't want to say anything about it 'til it makes the story and I post it. Is that weird? Does anyone else do that, like, make up stuff and REFUSE to breathe a word about some ultimately minute detail until you write it down?
To close: again, if you want a card from me, comment
here (for DWers) or
here (for LJers) with your address and stuff! Or simply email it to me (supersyncspaz7 at gmail.com).
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http://enamoured.dreamwidth.org/51598.html. Please comment there using OpenID.