This was a weird, long day. I got called for jury duty, and once I got home after that, I took Pepper for a walk, and on the way home my right hand started swelling. It was kind of awful. All of my fingers were stiff and puffy, and it's only been within the past two hours that I can move them without much pain.
On the Camp NaNo front: I will be 4000 words behind tomorrow, but I wrote a good chunk today in the waiting periods, and I embellished it once I got home. I think this is my favorite part so far:
Once the gravity of what Alton was asking him sank in, all that Will could think to say was, "Are you dying?"
He had been leaning forward in his seat, but at this question Alton quickly sat upright. "What?"
"Do you have cancer? A brain tumor?" Will could feel himself going slightly hysterical. He brought both hands up to his face and rubbed his nose. There was no way that this was happening. "Because there is just no logical, sane reason for you to even think of attempting to try to do that, and the only remotely sane explanation that I can think of is that you're dying and want one last hurrah, and if you are, then-"
"Jesus, Will, I'm not dying."
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