Because, for some reason, I am in a meme kind of mood: Pick five songs that are currently in your music library that you think that I would like.
I was reading the backlogs of
Smart Bitches Who Love Trashy Books and I stumbled upon
this article, which states that men who have deeper voices are more likely to "produce more children than their higher-pitched counterparts", which made me think of my (still untitled; I know I'm not supposed to be trippin' over that, but I am a title fiend and this is bothering me so much) novel for NaNo this year. And, to a lesser extent, Blonde Bond--because the voice factor was in this book I was reading last spring, and I brought it up to him and he said that he didn't think he had a particularly special speaking voice. Personally I kind of like his voice, but it's not like, swoon inducing. Mostly, it's what he said to me and the manner in which he said it that made me come to this conclusion.
And even though I have very clear ideas of which men who have excellent speaking voices, I'm going to ask who do you (collectively) like to listen to, male voice-wise? I think a lot of people like James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman because they have that almost regal, "listen to me" tone that comes so easy to them, randomly. But anyway--list attractive voices, yo! And samples are good too (in sound or YouTube forms). If I had more time, I would totally link to Jack Davenport (Norrington!) reading "Jack and the Beanstalk", because it's great.
(Also: I need to see Heroes; am two weeks behind now. WOE AND ALAS.)