Slipping Away

Jul 31, 2007 14:50

Summer is rapidly disappearing.

Today has been ridiculous. I had Jack all morning and he refused to take a nap. He cried, protested, laughed, everything but slept. I also got a bloody nose:S (not by injury, it just happened... which is strange. Hen has been getting them since he got sick and I never get them. Hopefully this isn't a bad sign!)

His mom even called and talked to him for a while and he thought she said he wasn't supposed to take a nap... lol. So finally when she got home around 1 she put him down. Actually he should be up pretty soon. His mom's upstairs, so hopefully she'll get him.

It's really hard to believe that they're only here for one more week after this. I'm going to miss them for sure, but I'm so exhausted... they make me tired.

I'm having kind of a funny reaction towards school. On one hand, I'm so excited and ready to go back, but I have this returning paranoia that I won't be able to pay for it. However, that's completely stupid since the bill already came and they owe ME money. I guess it's just flashbacks of last year, but still. I can't wait to get up to MQT and get all my stuff moved in. I need to get my loft set up pretty much right away, just to make things easier on everybody.

I am way too hot. I keep losing my train of thought. Oh well.

Jack's up!

And yes, interception by Mom! *crowd cheers*

Now I just have to go out to the end of the dock at 3:30 to get Henry.

Did I mention it's too hot?

Today has been horrible. Little flashes of things keep going through my head, things I need to do, things I should remember, things I'd like to get done... but they go through my head so fast I can't actually hang on and remember them. At the moment, every logical thought has been replaced by an expanding thought bubble that says "I'M TOO HOT!!!"

Oh well:S

I should go waste time doing something else:)
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