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Sep 25, 2005 13:55

^-^ i dyed my hair today ..well streaked it really ^-^ its really cool looking shay helped me ^-^ its all...red >< im so excited! ive been thinking of dying my hair since i was about 13 wahah its about time ^-^ so...this week has been alright i guess >< lots of emo-bitchness ^-^'' can't help how you feel,neh? ^-^ I LOOOOOOOOVE WEB DESIGN!!!!!>< ITS THE BEST CLASS EVER!!! its so cool >< i wish i could've taken it sooner >< web design is hella easy i thought it was way more complicated then what it is ^-^ i feel smart cause half the ppl are computer illiterate ^-^ wahahah ..i think ill use some tages...WOOOO n.n anyway thats enough..i probably did it wrong but i dont care ^-^ anyway..woo i have hw to do and i lost my calculator >< i think i left it at shay's ><;; so im using the one on the comp..and i may have gotten slightly distracted..^-^' l8rs
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