Mar 16, 2005 10:57
Whats new in my screwy world of sports?
My back is deteriorating - so scary, so sad. I have never actusllly FELT disabled before- even if I had crutches, or legs pains from dance, I have NEVER felt so helpless as I do with these back issues.
I got my second epidural injection on Monday. Let me epidural is what they give pregnant ladies in labor - but the injection is different, they inject the pregos with morphine or something to that effect to releive pain beyond the waist. MY epidural injection (named because they stick a large, thick needle into ones epidural sacks - which are sacks of fat and water surrounding your disks and nerves between your vertebrare) my epidurals are full of steroids. So imagine...someone sticking a long needle into your spine and pouring steroids directly into your back, the pressure is EXCRUTIATING! It takes about 3 days to recover from the pain enitrely. Im so tired of this...had that doctor ONLY diagnosed me correctly or took precautions...all this could have been prevented...which brings me too -
MY LAWSUIT. I just began a lawsuit with "Mr Olsen" (thats my lawyer) against Kaiser Permanente medical group for malptractice and comprehensive damage - mental, emotional, and physical. It's a biggie, and thier case is weak against mine. had I been some 80 year old lady sitting on my couch for a living, it may be different, but the negigence of that man has jeapordized my career, my health, my emotional staus, my mental reassurance and such...BIG mistake. Not only that but the fucker misdiagnosed me with plantar fasciatus - a foot disorder - and prescribed me motrin - an anti inflammatory that ended up raping my stomach, and the stretches the doctor ordered only worsened my condition in my back. When I finally DEMANDED an MRI, I was refused. !!! Yay for poor medical care. More on that as it comes.
Jon and i are no longer an item. In fact things look pretty plain on the dating board. It's for the best though. Jon was SO serious and SO into a future - I just am not ready for that. Though (and pardon this remark if it offends) the sex was remarkable. I miss him, for sure - he was super fun, but I just need to be single for awhile and take care of my business.
Speaking of single life - I just got a RAD promotion at my job to sales associate - meaning- i sell parties, manage parties, and serve parties. "Well, that sounds like alot of work Aaron, whats the benefit?" Commission, plus hourly, plus tips - NIGGAH! I have never made SO much money so easily. I make more than teachers! It's excellent, and my hours are rad. No complaints in that department.
School is fine, it's midterms week...the end.
PLEASE come and see HAIR at UCSD, in the MANDEVILLE AUDITORIUM - April 7th, 8th, and 9th (thursday, friday saturday) 10 bucks in advance - relatively cheap at the door like 15 or something. DONT MISS IT! It's a BIG show with a rad message - and I sing alot, and dance alot - and get full frontally naked! And my hair is LONG - a must see.
I love you for reading all this jabber- feel free to leave sweet nothings, or some advice...