Nov 22, 2004 20:21
righty-o. so me mum still hasnt put the internet back at home and im down at her store doing "homework" so on tuesday i went for and MRI and the results came back kinda bad..... i get to go get surgery again... joy is mine again! weee! okies well the surgery is so far schedueled for the 14th. ok well i need to go. i guess. i dont know anymore. and i know kevins a sweat heart. and i lovehim for it but sometimes he can be a pain.(in the ass) as he always adds on to it when i call him a apain!. omg! he bit me on sunday and left a mark and its all red and bumped up and everything! owwy! :'( ok well bye byes oh yeah new cell number 349-0049 omg best book in the world "tricksters queen" sequel to "tricksters choice" omg!!!!! i love Aly and the crow man Nawat!!! ahhh go raka! and lurian .... i guess.