Jul 16, 2004 16:06
Ok here is today… I know it has been a while but I’ll get to the other stuff later. Today I sorted out my ticket that I got in Taylor when I was trying to get to some Trenton people Graduation parties. I can finally thank Nationwide for their…. I dunno what to call it, but they paid for my speeding incident. So I did that and started to pack for JYMO, which Kristen K should be coming to, but she has that annoying job of hers J Then I hung out with Theo and Emily and participated in redecorating Susie’s room. We picked up Susie from work and took her home. However, before we brought her home, Theo paid for my vanilla dip doughnut and French vanilla cappuccino. Theo has always been good guy, I’m glad Susie and Theo are together. But anywho, after that Emily and I got to talk and we haven’t been able to do that in such a long time. I miss stuff like that. It will only be her and select others that I’ll miss Farmington. It’s days like today that really make me feel like I’m worth something to the people here. (F-town) Yay! for Emily.
Ok I’ll save choir camp for last. I never wrote and entry for the huge dealie at Uindy. The correct name will come to me later. But ok Mom and I drove to Indianapolis so I can do all my stuff. Orientation!!! That’s the real name. We stayed in this best western or something. But on television that night was the changed this to be a biker house. It was really cool. They even had this “chopper- chopper” (food blender) operated by a motorcycle handle it was so cool. Ok the next day I registered and I took some proficiency test rather they took me. Dude they kicked my butt. But anywho, I met up with some people that I met at the “campus camp-in” and that was pretty cool cause I’ll have a group of friends my first day and I’ll fell popular. (woa) Well, anyhow I met this dude that reminds me a lot of Carl Gladstone and I’m really mad that I can’t remember his name. But yeah He is double majoring one I’m sure was criminal justice or law and I can’t remember the other one. But he’s cool. So I’m still stoked about going to school there.
Ok so choir camp time. Ok anyone who reads this will probably know I go to choir camp and that its super special in my life. This year I was sad…. In the beginning but I’ll get to that later. I went there and I was thoroughly depressed. The magic that was usually there was gone. I felt too old and I felt kinda out of place. (very odd) But things started to look up. Euphonics did a concert for us and that was cool. And then everything went back to normal. By the way friends are the greatest thing god has ever created on earth. We had porch parties almost everyday except the last day which pissed me off a little but hey. Once again I have more black mail pictures of me cross dressing and other humiliating things. By the time we had to leave I never wanted to leave. We sounded great as a choir like always. Mr. Ed. wasn’t a councilor this year but he came back to host our “skit night” but it wasn’t really a skit night it was “this is your life Mr. Ed.” night. I did archery and high ropes for my contract classes and it was a blast. My greatest feat however was the giants ladder. (the night before I did the giants ladder. I messed up a muscle right in between my crotch and my thigh playing some form of tag with the middle school girls (David is a pimp) Which made going up the ladder all that more interesting.) When I was going up the ladder I realized my partner was completely useless to me. And I pushed her all the way up there, once using my head. I heard the entire thing “I can’t do it”… “My arm hurts” so I was encouraged to get her up there. So that was my big thing of the week. That, and going (in archery) to loosing an arrow and hitting my neighbor’s hay stack to getting a bull’s eye and popping a whole bunch of balloons later on. At the dance, Sarah Davis and I started the Snowball. I felt special. After that I was busy apparently making elementary and middle school girls day’s by dancing with them. And all I have to say is I love everyone at choir camp. “to waaaaaaalllll to the kitchen (to the kitchen) I like hot sauce on my chicken” hahaha man what would I do without Monica. Yeah also yay for the blue Herron. So yeah that’s choir camp. In a nut shell. At the end like I said I had a good time and just didn’t want to leave.