
Aug 05, 2008 21:27

These are lame because half are BEFORE the vacation and the other half are AFTER the vacation, and the first day of school pictures...well..... here's what happened:
I thought it would be a good idea to take VIDEO instead of PHOTOS of them getting off the bus thinking that I could take screen shots to get the best pictures...but it didn't work out that way. Instead of good pictures I have shitty video.

Look at these.

This is after they got off the bus and we went swimming and then they went "fishing" off the back of the truck.

Annika wasn't wearing shoes and the pavement was hot. Angie was in the middle of saying "get ur ass off the camera and get ur kids off my back and help carry some of this shit". No, she wasn't.

This is the way she treats me, everyone. Everytime I say anything, like "say cheese" for example, I get the eat shit and die look. I swear, she's the meanest person in the world. Just the other day, she turned around and looked at me, and you know what she said? Eat shit and die.

We've been eating pancakes in the mornings, ok, BEFORE school started, and this one was Gavin's that turned out jellyfish looking, and I put the syrup in long tendril-y streams for the life like effect. Then the syrup spread. Gavin took this picture, it impressed him. I think he just wants a visual of what breakfast used to look like before he was forced to consume institutionalized food on a daily basis. Dumb governments. Can't make jellyfish pancakes for nothin'!

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