I have a car, a Ford Taurus, and it needs front brakes and a tune up and an oil change. I was supposed to go in to Sewell Automotive to get the work done, and then they told me that I would have to leave the car there and it would cost WAY more than I'm willing to pay. So, Gareth will be doing the front brakes, and the oil change is not expensive, I'll do that in the morning, and the rest? I don't know. Any mechanics out there looking for work? I pay in gratitude. Too bad the mortgage company doesn't appreciate that.
Today I got my hair trimmed. I said I wanted about an inch off, and she took off like, a millimeter.
Wax for my hairy face.
Dye for my hairy head.
A tanning place so I can fry my skin. Its my new thing. I want a tan. And I'm gonna get one the old-fashioned way. No! Not sitting in the sun, sillies. Laying in a bed. Just my style:)
More laundry.
Steam clean Gavins closet. I'm doing one section of the house at a time. It'll take months.
Work wroks!
Go get paycheck and giggle. The two are not related. I'm just prone to random giggling. Had to throw that in there somewhere.
The summer semester starts in two weeks, so I've been learning ahead in o-chem and I'm halfway through chapter 10. I still don't understand hybridization or spin density which was covered in maybe the 4th chapter (blasted 4!!). I've gotten this far, I'm sure I won't need it.
Also, you guys have to check this out. I've been lurking here for a few years, and if you're a nerd like me, or a dork, either will do, you'll EAT THIS SHIT UP! Go here and thank me later:
http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/web/home/home/index.htmI just downloaded intro to neuroscience.
Other news? Callan's really smart. Like scary smart. As in:
Annika: Medea thinks that blood is red on the inside.
Callan: Everyone knows half is red and half is blue.
Annika: Yeah, and the red is red like ketchup and I'm gonna tell her its blue.
Callan: *exasperated* Its blue because it doesn't have oxygen yet.
Me: *stunned silence*
(seriously, we haven't done the blood is blue thing for like, a year. i can't believe he remembered that)
Other, other news?
Dude, they were reading books together. Gavin was 'helping' Callan read. And the other night, Callan was reading to Annika. There may be hope for them yet. I think they do this when they think I'm not watching. I'm onto them now! I know they don't hate each other. The proof is in the pudding. The black-ink printed, white-sheeted, nicely-bound pudding.