shuffle ball change :)

Nov 30, 2003 01:49

YAY! today, i got my tap shoes! i was so happy it was just great. we got lost on the way, but then we managed to find the way. i still think i should have driven. lol. :P then, me and kimmy and sherri came back here and tap danced. kim taught me and sherri some steps. she is a good teacher. *haha, i'm saying that because apparently she didn't think so.* :P

my thanksgiving was awesome. i love food. lol. i'm a pig.

tonight amanda had a little get together thingy, and it was a lot of fun. :D i'm really happy that i was invited. except for weirdness happened, but i won't get into that... :/ um, but yeah. hm...

i am dreading monday. i hate school. honestly though? i'm not even kidding. i seriously hate it. but it gets me out of this crap hole, so i bare with it i guess. whatever though, lol...

trading spaces in sharon hill was on tonight! i was like "HAH! i was THERE!" lol. i was disappointed because the episode didn't really hold my interest, and i got kind of bored with watching it. damn you paige with changing hair! lol. :P no but really! it went from being flipped out to just, guy-ish/i just rolled out of bed... ish?? lol, i don't know, it was confusing.

nobody wears too much make-up. i thought i'd clear that one up.
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