Dec 19, 2003 00:02
i just realized i update my real journal more than my online one... *sigh* so silly. :)
so today was good. in bio we finished watchin "deep impact" and i cried. it was a sad ending. lol. wc was easy. so was english. annnd... so was math. lol.
we went to dunkin donuts after school *me and kimmy* and saw frank there. she bought me a hot chocolate. kimmy i mean. not frank. haha. :P
then i came home, watched general hospital, fell asleep. that's just how it goes. i really never see the ending to that show. ever. i always fall asleep. it's weird.
know what a good show is? tru calling i love it :D
i made cupcakes for english tomorrow. yay! we have a party! lol.
elizabeth said my nickname is cupcake now, so i said she's cinnamon streusel. silly isn't it? haha. :P