May 28, 2007 08:40
I'm amused at how hypocritical a person's statements (blogs, comments...etc) can be. Sometimes it's tempting to want to point at those statements and say "Remember you said that, you obviously were full of shit." But I don't, because I too can be a big hypocrite. I try to avoid it though. Like I don't agree with talking shit about people (especially people I'm friends with) behind their backs. Yeah, I did it when I was younger and I'll probably slip every now and then, but I'm working on it. I still make stupid mistakes, but I'm willing to take responsibility for my actions. I don't tolerate people who hide from what they've done, or try to play innocent. If someone accuses me of something I've actually done, I won't deny it and I'll actually explain why I did it. I believe in talking things out; I think it's important to get a dialog going, which is why I have no issue explaining my actions.
I guess it's all about motivations. If you understand a person's motivations, it's easier to understand the situation. Maybe you'd see it was never about you, that you were the weakest link in the whole scenario and it was really about the other people involved. Maybe you'd realize that the person isn't out to get you, but felt at the time a good offense = a great defense. I understand those thoughts though, I suffer from acute paranoia from time to time.
In most situations, I think when both people admit where they went wrong and talk it out it can be quite healing. When I've gotten in fights with friends and at the end of the day (2 years, whatever) when we can both say we acted like douches, it's easier to move on. I understand there are people who don't think they've done anything wrong and perhaps they're being picked on. In some cases this is true, but I'd have to ask them if they're looking at all sides of the story. Maybe they're just happy with their version and don't see the need to look at everyone's POV.
There's a line from a song
All of your anger will poison you yet, unless you can just let go.
Maybe it's time...