I just typed out a paper that was due today that I didnt do last night. I wrote out what I was going to say on the busride and during first period and I just typed it last period. Whew. No points of, too, which rocks my ass so hard.
I havent updated in a while. Quite a few things are new. One of my coworkers in dating this guy that I dated two years ago, Dave. I wrote a lot about him when I first started this journal, so a few people probably have an idea about who I am talking about. I feel quite odd about the whole situation, and I'm not exactly sure why. He hasnt really dated anyoneever since I broke up with him, which is very sad. I'm glad that he might have found someone finally, but it's still all weird. Why did it have to be one of my friends that he found, ya'know? Plus my friend has been kind of weird around me ever since she found out that him and I used to date. Whatever, I don't care. Be weird around me for silly reasons. It's okay, I promise.
G-d, am I ever glad that I finally fell in love. It took long enough but hot damn was it worth it. I love my Miss Piggy.
cinnam0nspid3r started working at the Ponderosa. This is very exciting. I live in Connecticut, and to my knowledge we only have one Ponderosa, but I'm not sure what town it's in and I know that it is far away (if we even still have one) because I went there once and it took forever long to get there. But I havent been to the one in Connecticut in years and Ive only been there once anyhow. I used to go to the one in Florida whenever I went on vacation there with my parents when they were still together. I was like six. I loved it there. I hope Lindz likes working there because she deserves it. I love you, dearie. I wrote you a letter and I need your addy! I completely lost it like an ass. I hope you emailed it to me last night. Im in school now and they block all sorts of email sites, so I will check later on tonight, hopefully.
x_rebellion_x is awesome. She is coming to my wedding.
I won quite a few awesome things on ebay over the past two weeks are so. I won a kermit shirt, a stethoscope for my girlfriend, a kermit pin, and three badminton pins. I sent out the money for the shirt, stethoscope, and one of the three badminton pins. Today I need to get money orders for the other two badminton pins and send those out and I have the money order for the kermit pin and I need to send that out. It's very exciting. I cant wait to get my new things :D
Im working on a letter for Monika and Benny. I am going to out them in the same envelope thingy because I'm awesome. Well its a fair sized manilla envelope so I can jsut put their seperate envelopes in that. I'm awesome because I will be saving on postage.
A few of my friends from Spanish class decided that I have three phrases. Also known as "The Three Phrases of Stephanie"
Numero Uno: "Ummmmm..."
Numero Dos: "I know the answer to this...we just went over it yesterday"
Numero Tres: "WHAT!? I wasn't sleeping. I was totally awake"
It's highly disgusting that I say these three things on a daily basis in spqanish class without even realizing it.
Sara is sleeping over tonight. I'm really glad that I get to see her. I miss her terribly. I'm super excited. I have to work tonight, though. 3-8. That sucks my ass, but at least Sara will be picking me up from that mess at 8. Thank g-d.
That's about it here that's new. All the rest is pretty much same old shit. I will hopefully update again fairly soon. I heart you all.