Apr 29, 2009 13:26
since i totally enjoyed my boston weekend, i've been thinking how my life here in the big apple is kinda lame. our flat is tiny, there is absolutely no privacy in this house, i have no friends, life is becoming routine and...
well... to be honest, i think once the novelty of informing others that you've moved to new york is gone, plus if you haven't improved your life significantly (at least for my horribly high standards) in a couple of years, a drastic change is needed. i want a different vibe from my place of work and my home. i loved being in a campus environment over there in cambridge. i loved living with friends, not relatives. i loved living in a house, with a washer, dryer, and a dishwasher so i can be encouraged to cook more. i loved being allowed to have pets in the house (although i'm a big dog person, i could live with a cat! :-). all those seem really shallow and petty reasons to move but...i love boston! wahahaha!
my parents called me while i was there. i told them about the huge house, the fun environment, and the cool people. since i was with friends who graduated from/are about to go to harvard, my parents said i should try it, too. harvard? if ever i'm gonna try for ivy league, let's go yale!!! :-) hahaha...but seriously, my parents really want me to go to further studies. i don't want to, as of the moment, because i enjoy working, but i guess it doesn't hurt to look into it. there are a whole mess of good schools in boston, and it's nice to keep an open mind. *sigh* i want a job now, first! need money and then i can really focus on what i want to be doing for the rest of my life.
what's keeping me sane through this unemplyment phase is my play! :-) i have my 2nd song rehearsals later, and i think we're going to be learning a song where i have a solo later. KEEEEEEEEEE!!!! sooooooo exciting! i've never sung a solo in english as a title character before. can't frickin' wait! i'm beside myself thinking about blocking, choreography, and learning more songs!!! man, i wish i could be in the ensemble as well, so i could learn all their choreography. man, i can't wait to rehearse later!!! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
anyhoo, not all is funk and play and overall confusion in my life. i'm still keeping track of my priorities. have a job interview tomorrow, in an office near union square, so i guess that's cool. i didn't get the other job i thought was in the bag for me, but hell, i'm not all that upset. let's just see where this year is going to take me, hahahaha! on sadder news though, our black lab is still paralyzed. one vet told us it was hopeless, and it was best that he be put to sleep because his condition was indefinite, and there was nothing to be done about it. but another vet told my family that he was just anemic for now, and he could still live! and my sister called me awhile ago, and told me, despite of his paralysis, he was still a hungry little boy, finishing off whole siopaos and cheeseburgers. ;-) he has a strong will to live, and he's definitely a fighter, our baby gordon bleu. so proud of him! i'm still expecting the worst though. i guess in this situation, really, only time and prayers can tell. *siiiiiigh*
life is so surprising. i hope i get a good one soon. here's hoping! :-)