Apr 28, 2003 20:24
Here is a shout out to all my friends on Live Journal!
Emily-You are my best friend and you are the greatest girl ever! I love you with all my heart and we will stay best friends for ever.
Nikki-you are the coolest,funniest girl I know! you are my best friend and i love you!
Jacob-boy oh boy..what am I going to do with you?! get it through your head, your life rocks! Jacob I love you with all my heart and I don't know what I would do without you!
Molly-you are one of the funniest girls I know! I am so glad that we were able to become friends! I love spending time with you!
Ally colletti-you are the craziest,nicest,cutiest girl I know! we have been friends for a long time and I am planning on it staying that way.
Lauren M.-again you are the cutiest,nicest,craziest girl(along with ally). KEEP ON SMILING!
Kristin-you are the prettiest girl I know! I wanna become just like you! you are the greatest dancers I know.
Lizzie-home cake you got it going girl!!!!!
I know I missed alot of you but if you would like to be added I am more than willing. just leave a comment!