
Jun 27, 2005 11:15

well i havent updated this shit in a long time
a lot has been goin through my minde latley
like if u all remeber in july...july 20 2004 me and my friends rolled a golf cart and got very hurt and ive been thinking about that since the year is commin around i feel horribe for my friend and how things turnedout for her its horrible and i blame my self... nothing would have happened if i didnt say oh Dana go down that hill and everyone was like no and im like yeah do it so we did anhd then we crashed i also blame my self for landing on my friend and hurting her she wouldnt have been so bad if i didnt land on here
my wrist has been hurting latley i dont think it healed right which isnt good

well im having issues at home i live with my mom on weekdays and my dad weekends

well now that schools out im always home and mi fight a lot with my moms bf we just argue a lot hes like a 5 year old little boy and doesnt know when to stop in a way im like 20times more mature than him and thats pretty lame since hes a grown man with kids of his own its just fuckin annoying

okay then theres my dadshouse and like i dont get along with my step mom really like i do but then again i dont she makes me mad shes wayy high matnance and its all about her sometimes i just wanna scream at her and tell her wats up u know its bugs
right now their in feggie and im not there i wasnt invited im never invited to go on vacation

imiss my friends a lot in santee and its been bugging me really bad ive been finding my self to be crying a lot and being really up set and thats not me since im normally a very happy person and i hate to be sad and all down and for a while i thought oh im just pmsing but u dont pms for liek a month straigh so yeah i donno ive just bene really down

i want my friends to visit me and hang out wiht me i want to have fun

i feel right now that most of my friends back in santee dont want anything to do wiht me and i dont know why i mean yeahim annoying and i kow that but fuck u can still be my friend and talk to me fuckers i swear

i miss my best friend kathy a lot weve been though a lot together and helped eachother get through the rough times

ive known her since 3rd grade when she moved to my school sycamore canyon and we were best friends ever since in 6th grade she moved over by carlton oaks so we went to different schools and then after she left i went through some rough times with some old friends and decided i needed to go to cajon park and start over so while i was at cajon park for jr hight kathy was at carlton oaks and we decided that since we couldnt hang out everyday friday nights shed come over

so we started that tradiction and hung out eveyr weekend every friday night wed go to jack in the box and then come home to my house and go to the mall and hang out and in the morning wed find soemthing to do and go to starbucks and then to del taco every weekend was the same i miss that a lot then i moved and we couldnt hang out that move was horrible ihateed it and i miss her a lot i still see her like once a month or maybe not even that it suck no one understands how horrible it is for me attimes i know ppl have it way worse than me but sometimes i go crazy and just need to get out and i dont i sit at home ... it sucks i know and i hate it

okay im done bye
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