copying everyone else?

Oct 06, 2005 19:39

In the last 24 hours, have you...
1. Had sex: yeah right!
2. Bought something: i got 10 dollars out of the atm to buy my shirt for our breast cancer walk
3. Gotten sick: i think i may be getting a little cough and sniffles
4. Been kissed: i wish
5. Eaten something: um yeah dc1
6. Felt stupid: yes! like always
7. Talked to an ex: what ex's?
8. Missed someone: yeah
9. Hugged someone: we know how i am about hugging
Last person who....
1. Slept in your bed: just me :(
2. Saw you cry: oh lets see...brad when i was crying at practice...or when i was trying to do those damn weights and brad was spotting me and i was like this fucking hurts hes like push through the pain!!?
3. Made you cry: Coach brad
4. You went to the movies with: ummmmm
5. You went to the mall with: omg i just realized i havent been to the mall in liek 2 months

Have You...
1. Been to California: no
2. Been to Mexico: no way
3. Been to China: only to visit erins real family..haha j/k
4. Been to Canada: nope
5. Been to Europe: europe this
6. Been to Central America: no

some more questions...
1. Do you have a crush on someone: umm yes
2. What book are you reading now: angels and demons
3. Worst feeling in the world: seeing someone you care for in pain
4. Future KIDS names:
6. What's under your bed: my computer and dresser
7. Favorite sport to watch: rowing, gymnastics
8. Favorite Location:
9. Piercing/Tattoos: 10 in my in my right side of my lip...and 2 tattoos one on my back and one on my el pie'
10. Do you drink: occasionally
11. What are you most scared of right now: being alone forever!
12. Where do you want to get married: i dont want to get married
13. Who do you really hate: ummm no one i can really think of right now
14. Do you like being around people: of course
15. Have you ever liked someone you have no chance with: yes
16. Have you ever cried: um yeah of course who hasnt
17. Are you lonely right now: yes
18. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: well...right now mambo #5 is stuck in my head..why i dunno
19. Been in love: never at this rate it is going to be never..forever!
20. Played strip poker: i dont know how to play you cant handel this
21. Gotten beaten up: no
22.Been on radio/TV: no
23. Been in a mosh-pit: yes! thats the only way to have a fucking awesome time at a concert!
24. Do you have any gay/lesbian friends:yeah
25. Skinny dipped: no
26. Real name: stacey arlene van order
27. Height: 5'10"
28. Favorite food(s): i like everything
29: Drink: water and juice
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