Oct 22, 2007 15:45
My dad just called and left a vague message about my brother saying "Not sure if you've heard about Matt, just wanted to make sure information travels to everyone in the family" and sounded very concerned and didn't give any detail and scared the shit out of me. The tone he used made me instantly think that Matt was in the hospital or dead and I nearly had a heart attack until I talked to my dad and found out he's just concerned because there are big fires in San Diego and lots of people in SCAL are being evacuated and he hasn't heard from Matt yet. Matt's in LA though, and CNN isn't saying anything about any deaths, so I'm pretty certain he's fine. Even though I now know that Matt's probably fine, I'm still all shaky and unable to concentrate from the initial reaction from my daddy's scary message. Work is not happening. Thought I'd share with you and maybe calm down a little. :-P
Geez, my daddio needs to work on his presenation.