May 15, 2008 14:04
Post for friends, family and myself relating to my trip to China. Keep this entry bookmarked as it will be continually updated!
First things first, 日程:
Wednesday June 4, 2008
9:35AM flight from Houston IAH to Washington D.C. (Continental terminal C)
Arrive at 1:30PM
Friday June 6, 2008
7:00AM flight from Washington D.C. to Atlanta. Arrive 8:55AM.
9:55AM flight from Atlanta to Shanghai. Arrive 1:35PM.
八月十五日 星期五
晚上三点四十五分 从上海飞到Atlanta. 六点二十五分到。
晚上八点二十分 从Atlanta飞到Washington D.C. 十点十分到。
Saturday August 16, 2008
9:00AM flight from Washington D.C. to Houston IAH. (Continental terminal C)
Arrive at 11:00AM
Second, Merch:
Sarah wants different kinds of tea.
Jess wants 旗袍 in exchange for a yukata. Also an inexpensive jade bracelet.
Eden wants a signal sesitive led light cell phone strap, as do I.
I also wants those tiny ass USB flash drives they have in asia.
If anyone else wants anything, lemme know and i'll add to the list.