Kaitlin- Sujay is going to kill me

Nov 07, 2004 10:04

I accidentally stepped on Sophie, my cat, this morning. It was definately her fault too. She tripped me and then ran under my feet and got stepped on, so she ran down to the basement b/c she's scared of me. I bribed her with food to come back, but now she hides under the futon if i walk around wearing heels.

This is my quick update on my life or i wanna go on a rant if i have time as i am doing this before church.

School blows it always does.

Volleyball is over. I miss it like no other. Hopefully, club volleyball starts up soon.

Work blows, I'd quit if i didn't need money so bad. But i'm not gonna make enough anyway to do everything i want to do.

Can't do diving which makes me really sad. I hurt my back again doing it, so no more of that. Yeah i was fine since like August and now it sucks again. Yeah thanks for asking everyone i'm glad to hear you care.

Deanna comes home in 13 days!!!!! I'm so freakin excited.

ALright time for the rant.
Bush won. Is America really that f-ing stupid?
I dont care if no one gives a shit what i think about the issues but i'm going to throw them out anyway just so you all know what we got ourselves into.

Abortion- Touchy subject. I dont support it in the aspect of using it as birth control, HOWEVER, women deserve to have that choice. I think if a woman feels that it is the best choice for her then that's fine by me. Here's my deal with it though, unless George Bush and all the supreme court people he is going to choose develop ovaries, a uterus and a fallopian tube anytime soon than they have no to right to decide that for women. they will never have to go through making that choice and they can never understand therefore they have no right to decide on what is best. So now that the psycho is still in charge that right will most likely be taken away. So what we have is 100s of women dying from back alley abortions and tons of unwanted kids. I got more but i'm running out of time. So prolife people start thinking rather than just listen to what people tell you. the world isnt always wrapped up nicely in a bow.

Gay Marriage- If they are happy, then good job. So many people are unhappy and dont have someone that if you can find someone that you are happy with no matter what the gender good job. Being gay is not a choice i dont care what the hell the bible tells you. someone is born that way, like being left handed. its just a small difference that makes you do things a little different that shouldnt matter to anyone else. and this whole going to hell for it crap, plenty of straight people do worse things and i bet they'll be first in line for the train to hell than a good person who happens to be homosexual. I think it is ridiculous and it pisses me off that people would think that being gay is a horrible thing. I am straight Christian, but i dont see being gay to be a horrible thing, its just a different way of life.

War in Iraq- a funny little thing. 9/11 we were attacked by osama bin ladin. afghanistan- bin ladin was from saudi arabia. guess who has all the oil. yeah saudi arabia. guess who we didnt attack. you got it saudi arabia. so magically there are al queada links and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. there were no weapons there. Guess who has the most weaponry in the world you got it the US. so of course we bomb them instead to make it look like we are doing something. i dont doubt that saddaam hussein was a horrible dictator but we had no right to be over there, that was for the UN to decide. But no we need to play police officers. now that we are there we cant exactly pull out, meanwhile our people are dying and even more innocent iraqis are being killed, but that part doesnt get a whole lot of coverage. so now that bush will be in office for 4 more years who knows where will be at war next. all i know is i have a 19 year old brother. and if he gets drafted all hell will break lose. Oh and guess what guys in a few years it will be us too.

watch the movie farenheit 9/11.

That's all I have to say for now. I dont really care how much crap i get from this i just wanted to try and open your eyes. I didnt even have time to explain myself better or to get to education or the enviroment that he is currently not giving a shit about.

have a nice day everyone.
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