Jun 11, 2005 01:02
Okay, so I guess I should make some sort of last post before I delete this journal for forever.
I don't really like livejournal anymore but I still look at it. It's one of a whole bunch of habits that i've had for my entire life that do nothing but keep me in a cycle of perpetual deppression. The internet, TV, videogames, all fucking time sinks that leave me with nothing but a headache and the satisfaction of knowing it's now an hour closer to the time when I can go to bed. If this journal still existed, than I would post in it, bitch in it, look at it and ultimatly waste a whole lot of time. I've found that without livejournal I don't really use the internet nearly as much. I don't really check IGN or gamespot anymore either cause I figured out that I don't give a flying fuck about video games anymore. (I'll probubly still play Halo 3 though)
I've been deppressed my entire life and i'm sick of it. Instead of wasting all my time with all these god damn screens i'm going to draw, play music, listen to music, play outside, paint, run in circles, and basically do whatever the fuck I need to do to be happy.
Oh yeah, Taylor, if for some reason you read this, thanks, it was your 12 step program that put the idea in my head.
Fuck livejournal, fuck high school and fuck being deppressed, i'm done with all of that.
Girls Can Tell is seriously my favorite album.