Friends Only!!!

May 26, 2014 09:27

Custom Header and FO Banner made by: snitchkeeper

"Voldemort Fangirl" by: The Parselmouths (Remixed by: ALL CAPS)

My Livejournal is 80% Friend's Only....

Sorry guys I have decided to go Friends Only. If you want to be added just comment here and I'll add you. The more the merrier,
I say! If you don't have a Livejournal, then just go to and make yourself a journal. It only takes a few minutes of your time (it's totally free),
and then go ahead and add me, otherwise you will not be able to read any of the entries.


PS: Also if you notice I am using one of your icons and it's not credited, it's probably because I either found it offsite or from someone else's LJ. Just comment here, and I will be more than happy to credit you.

EDIT (3/5/11): I've recently renewed my paid account. For some reason when it renewed I lost all of my inactive icons and their maker tags. So, if you see your icon (or another maker's icon) please let me know, so that I can give you proper credit.

welcome, first post, friends only

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