To distract myself... Deathly Hallows anyone??

Mar 02, 2010 21:21

So we all know how shitty my week has been...


I've been trying to do everything to divert my attention to more plesant things, like now that I have to drive Eli everyfuckingwhere, I get to annoy him with my large collection of Wizard Rock in the car.. I love the fact that Novalee sings along as well, it adds a nice touch hahahaha! I've also been working on the 5th chapter of my Tom Riddle Jr. fanfiction... I'm only 1/4 done but I think it's one of my better chapters... It's so much easier to write in Lord Voldemort's POV than I originally thought it would be.. here is the public link...

Aniron (A Tom Riddle Jr. Fanfiction)
If you read please leave a review, it will help make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

So I was going through my collection of wrock, so far I have probably only listened to 1/5 of it and found a new amazing song today.. If you have read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows then you should know the story of the Deathly Hallows or The Tale of the Three Brothers.. Well The Butterbeer Experience has come out with an amazing retelling of the story.. It's beautifully written, and I wish I had this girl's voice... You guys have to hear it! So here it is... Download and Enjoy!!!

The Peverell Story by: The Butterbeer Experience

(click to download)

The Peverell Story

By: The Butterbeer Experience
lyrics transcribed by: supersonicchica

I once happened across fair brothers three.
Who thought they could use all their magic to thwart me.
But I being Death, being sly, blocked their path.
And said, “Brave cunning brothers, oh what do you ask?”
“I will give each a prize, and then let brothers pass.”

The first brother begged, “Please Death make me a tool.”
“A wand that will win every fight, every duel.”
So I broke a branch off of an Elder tree.
And I fashioned a wand, for he thought he was worthy.
And gave Elder wand to the eldest of three.

“Go brother, I bid thee goodnight.”
“I promise you’ll win all your battles and fights.”
“But your wand will be stolen.”
“And you will be slain.”
“Then you and I will meet again.”

The next brother cried, “Give me magic instead!”
“The power to bring others back from the dead.”
So I picked up a stone from the riverside.
And I told him the pebble had magic inside.
It would bring back the dead and his departed bride.

“Go brother, I bid thee goodnight.”
“You’ll see your love soon, but things will not be right.”
“You’ll drive yourself crazy, for she won’t be whole.”
“And then I will claim your soul.”

The youngest brother said, “Death I don’t trust your ways.”
“Please leave me alone till the end of my days.”
And though I was reluctant, he was the wisest of the three.
So I gave him my cloak of invisibility.
And I let the young brother go free.

“Go brother, I bid thee goodnight.”
“Go take your little cloak and go live out your life.”
“Be happy and healthy and when you are ready.”
“You can take off your cloak and join me.”

And that is the story of the Peverell brothers.
They each made their choice, one wiser than others.
They stripped me of a wand, and of cloak and of stone.
And I bade young Ignotus be selfless and roam (?).
And many years passed till he called me his own.
But I took the other two for my own.

wrock, music

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