Wizard Rock List

Apr 07, 2012 22:17

Here is my Wizard Rock List..
from A-Z although not in order...



ALL CAPS- Songs In The Key of E-Mail
ALL CAPS- lowercase [Acoustic EP]


Blibbering Humdingers- No Shame In Hufflepuff
Blibbering Humdingers- Voldemort Made Me Crap My Pants
The Butterbeer Experience- Accio Hot Guy
The Butterbeer Experience- Songs From Beedle the Bard
The Butterbeer Experience- Love Will Prevail: Songs from The Final Battle
The Basilsk in Your Pasta- I Ate My Frog Again
Big Whompy- Treestylin'


Catchlove- Wake Up Harry
Catchlove- Where Do We Go From Here
Creevy Crisis- VII
The Cruciatus Curse- The Four Thestrals Of The Apocalypse
The Cruciatus Curse- Exclusive
The Cruciatus Curse- Riddle of Potions


Draco and the Malfoys- Draco and the Malfoys
Draco and the Malfoys- Family
Draco and the Malfoys- It's a Slytherin World!
Draco and the Malfoys- Party Like You're Evil
Draco and the Malfoys- An Anthology of Slytherin Folk Music
Dawlish and the Archies- Not Safe For Wizardkind
DJ Luna Lovegood- Misc. Songs
Danny Dementor- I Wanna be a Wizard [EP]


Edgar and the Family Bones- Edgar and the Family Bones*


The First Task Is Dragons- Bewitched Garden
The First Task Is Dragons- Slash Bash
The First Task Is Dragons- Karkaroff's Body In A Shack Up North
Fred Lives- In Memory of Fred


Gred and Forge- What Witches Want
Gred and Forge- Half the Band I Used to Be
Ginny and the Heartbreakers- Love Storm
Gryffindor Common Room Rejects- Still Recruiting


Harry and the Potters- Harry and the Potters
Harry and the Potters- Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock
Harry and the Potters- And the Power of Love
Harry and the Potters- The Enchanted Ceiling
Harry and the Potters- Live at Randy Bacon
Harry and the Potters- A Wizardly Christmas of Wizardry
The Hermione Crookshanks Experience- Penolope
The Hermione Crookshanks Experience- How to Write With a Feather
Hogwarts Trainwreck- Hogwarts Trainwreck
Hogwarts Hotel- It Was A Dark and Stormy Night...
The House of Black- Family Tree
The Hungarian Horntails- The First Task
The Hinky Punks- A Wizard's Diary
Hawthorn & Holly- Jinxed in the Head


Into the Pensieve- Gather Your Thoughts
I Speak Tree- Herbology's Got Class [EP]


Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills- Self Titled
Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills- Hufflepizza
Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills - Justin Finch-Fletechley and The Half-Blood Pizza



Lauren Fairweather- Devil's Snare
Lauren Fairweather - I'm Saying Nothing
Lethifold- EPiskey****
Let's Lumos- Misc. Songs


Ministry of Magic- Acoustiatus
Ministry of Magic- Goodbye Privet Drive
Ministry of Magic- Onward and Upward
Ministry of Magic- The Twiwizard [LP]
Ministry of Magic- Muggle Relations
Ministry of Magic - Magic is Might
Ministry of Magic- Misc Songs**
The Mudbloods- A War Amidst Pop Songs
The Mudbloods- Out of the Forbidden Forest
The Mudbloods - Animals That Have Left Me [EP]
The Moaning Myrtles- Toilet Humor
The Moaning Myrtles- Port-A-Potty [EP]
The Moaning Myrtles- What About Myrtle?
The Moaning Myrtles- Bathroom Acoustics
The Marauders- Hogwarts 1975
Marked As His Equal- My Scars Speak Volumes
Malfoy Manor- Blue Blood & Bad Faith


Brad Neely- Wizard People, Dear Readers


The Oceanic Six- The Oceanic Six
Oliver Boyd & The Remembralls- Back For the Fight
Oliver Boyd & The Remembralls- Bare Bones
Oliver Boyd & The Remembralls- Open at the Close
Oliver Boyd & The Remembralls- The Slytherin [EP]
Oliver Boyd & The Remembralls- Welcome to Wizard Rock


The Parselmouths- Illegal Love Potion
The Parselmouths- Pretty In Pink (and Green)
The Parselmouths- Ssssss
The Parselmouths- Spattergroit
Peeved- Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!
Prophets of Godric's Hollow- Dark Lord Rising
Prophets of Godric's Hollow- Death Eater Madness
Prophets of Godric's Hollow- PoGH Soundtrack
Prophets of Godric's Hollow- We Were Wizards
Prophets of Godric's Hollow- On Eating Bertie Bott's
Prophets of Godric's Hollow- Cupboard Under the Stairs [EP]


The Quaffle Kids- Bludgers and Broomsticks


The Ring of Scribes- Magic - A WRock Opera*****
Romilda Vane and the Chocolate Cauldrons- Hogwarts, A History
Roonil Wazlib- Timeturner
Roonil Wazlib- Putting Fluffy To Sleep
Roonil Wazlib- Muggle Knitting Patterns
Remus and the Lupins- Born to Howl
The Remus Lupins- I Was A Teenage Werewolf
The Remus Lupins- Spells From A Broken Wand
The Remus Lupins- Horcruxes and Hand Me Downs
The Remus Lupins- Nevermind The Furthermore
The Remus Lupins- The Rest is Silence
Riddle TM- Secrets of the Darkest Art


Slytherin Soundtrack- Commit This to the Pensieve
Slytherin Soundtrack- Look to the Mirror of Erised
Slytherin Soundtrack- The Deathly [EP]
Split Seven Ways- Slytherin Hearts
Split Seven Ways - Love Is The Answer
Split Seven Ways - Oddments and Tweaks
Split Seven Ways- Valedictions
Switchblade Kittens- The Weird Sisters
Swish and Flick- In the House of Slytherin
Swish and Flick- With Love and Poison [EP]
Starkid- A Very Potter Musical
Starkid- A Very Starkid Album
Starkid- A Very Potter Sequel [bonus songs]


Talons & Tea Leaves- Misc. Songs
Tom Riddle and Friends- Wizards loving Wizards [EP]
Tom Riddle and Friends- Misc Songs***
Tonks and the Aurors- Tonks For the Memories
Tonks and the Aurors- Alive in Love
Tonks and the Aurors- The Pink Album



Voldemort- Evil is Sexy
Various Artists- Letters From Hogwarts
Various Artists- Rocking Out Against Voldemedia
Various Artists- Jingle Spells 4 - Leaky's Rocking Christmas 2010
Various Artists- Jingle Spells 4 - Leaky's Rocking Christmas 2010 [Bonus Tracks]
Various Artists -Jingle Spells 3 - Leaky's Rocking Christmas 2009
Various Artists- Jingle Spells 2 - Leaky's Rocking Christmas 2008
Various Artists- Jingle Spells 1 - Leaky's Rocking Christmas 2007
Various Artists- A Magical Christmas of Magic
Various Artists- All You Need Is (Wizard) Love
Various Artists- Siriusly Smiling
Various Artists- Wizards and Muggles Rock For Social Justice
Various Artists- Wizards and Muggles Rock For Social Justice vol.2
Various Artists- Wrockin' in a Wizard Wonderland
Various Artists- Wizard Rock Christmas 2007 [Wizrocklopedia's 12 Days of Christmas]


Wizarding World- Hogwarts
Whomping Willows- Self-titled
Whomping Willows- Demons at the Helm
Whomping Willows - Welcome to the House of Awesome
Whomping Willows- III
Whomping Willows- Rock n' Roll Redux [EP]
Whomping Willows - Wizard Party Forever
The Weasel King- Musical Decree Number Twenty-Four
The Weasel King - B-Sides & Whatever




*- Edgar and the Family Bones (a side project of OBatR/Christian) only has 2 songs out, but those two songs are so good that they belong on this list..

**- I think some of these songs come from a full length album (Ministry of Magic) although when found, it didn't come with an album name..

***- I dont have a full length album by Tom Riddle and Friends, but I have enough songs to put them on the list, plus they are my favorite wrock band ever!!!

****- To get this album you must make a contribution to the Hati effort. Just check out Janet's (LethIfold) myspace and she can give you more details.. Love ya chica!

*****- Ring of Scribes is an amazing Utah-based band, and although not officially considered a "wrock" band, their album "Magic" is certainly Wrock material. I was able to help them commission cover art for the album, which you can find: Front Cover and Back Cover, please check them out, their album is free over at Last F.M. or if you need I can upload the album (with the band's permission).

******- I have many more songs by many more bands (1,700+). These are just the full albums that I have listed. If I'm missing something or something's just been released let me know please!

wrock, music, wizard rock

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