Disclaimer: The characters of Brokeback are not mine and belong to Annie Proulx (God bless her!).
Authors Note: This an idea which suddenly came into my mind. I don't know whether I'll be able to develop it to its full potential (said I'm not english-mother tongue nor a pro-writer...) but, with your help and support, it might work somehow... Should any more skilled writer come up, I'll be pleased to hand over the pen... pardon, the mouse! ^_^
Only a few lines, here, to check whether the plot sound interesting...
Summary: Life hasn't been easy for Alma Jr. since she divorced in November '86 and only her baby son, Ennis Jr., gives her hope for a brighter future...
--- June 2006 ---
Ennis Del Mar woke up before five, that morning, the wind gently blowing in through the window curtains.
He got up, scratching his belly and pubic hair and reached for the kitchen to turn on the coffee-maker. Yawning wide open in the dawn light coming through the windows, he looked at the watch hanging on the wall and eventually realized he got up damn too early. The smell of coffee was already casting its magic and he knew he wouldn't have been able to get back to bed.
At least, he could go footing, have a shower and wait for his mother to wake up while cooking some sort of breakfast. Not that he actually could cook but at least he was pretty good with the can opener, as he kept telling his mother when she complained about his poor house-keeping skills. "Nowadays guys have to look after themselves! You won't find a decent girl willing to take care of you if you cannot help her with the house!", she was used to say.
He waited for the first cup of coffee to be ready before getting his grey gym pants, a black t-shirt and his favourite white runners.
He scratched his dark blond hairs, put the cup in the sink and went to the front door, still tasting the coffee in his mouth. When he opened the door he felt the refreshing morning air sorrounding his body and face. He breathed deeply, nose up towards the blue and orange sky, just like a wolf searching the smell of its preys in the wind. He checked he had the keys with him and locked the door before moving.
The sky was completely clear: it was going to be a gorgeous day. A perfect beginning for his new summer job. He might have to stay with his mother until he finished the university but at least he could take care of part of his own expenses working during the summer. Not that his mother and her present husband couldn't but it was somehow relieving for him to be able to buy on his own his clothes, his CDs and even his new laptop.
That morning, however, Ennis was suffused with a sense of pleasure because a guy named Jack Twist was in his dreams.
With that strange thought on his mind and not knowing why a person he never met could make him happy and homesick at the same time, Ennis started to run, heading downtown...